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Department of English

The Department of English, IFL would like to extend our very warm greetings and welcome to you to the Royal University of Phnom Penh, Institute of Foreign Languages and, particularly, the Department of English for 2022-2023.

The Department of English, IFL is one of Cambodia’s most respected, prestigious and reform-oriented English language institutions. It offers such programs as: MA in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages), Bachelor of Education in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (B.Ed, TEFL), Bachelor of Arts (BA) in English for Work Skills, certificate courses and professional English language training programs. It is noteworthy that so far the Department has conducted 9 out of the 10 Japan Development Scholarship (JDS) Pre-departure Training courses. The Department also teaches special short Courses for employment purposes.

You can learn effectively at IFL in a learner-friendly, safe, tranquil and caring environment. We have a wide variety of facilities and resources, including two well-equipped Japan-funded language laboratories and a well-resourced Self- Access Centre. Moreover, our faculty has been professionally trained both overseas, mostly in English-speaking countries, and in Cambodia. They have extensive experience in teaching English and take pride in nurturing their students’ progress and helping students to attain academic and life goals.

We do our best to ensure that your study at The Department of English, IFL is a highly rewarding experience. We aim to prepare our students to become well- rounded citizens, to be competent in English and to gain considerable world knowledge and work skills which are required in today’s job market.

We sincerely hope you will enjoy learning with us and find the knowledge and experience gained at DOE, IFL rewarding and responsive to your needs.

We wish you great success with your study!

Contact Info

Head of Department:

Prof. Keuk Chan Narith
Phone: (855) 23-885-419
Office: IFL Campus

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