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First workshop on MSO

2013-08-17 14:12:13

By: Information Technology Center

This is the very 1st workshop on Mathematics Simulation and Optimization (MSO) in Cambodia. The Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP) cooperated with the Heidelberg University from Germany and made this workshop in a purpose to improve Khmer culture in this techonology era. Additionally, it is part of MoEYS-Worldbank joint to improve research capabilities in higher education in Cambodia. Three excellent professors, coming from Heidelberg University, showed us about the powerful of MSO which currently helps Cambodia in verious fields with no boundary. Besides, three young researchers, coming from RUPP, showed their three different research topics which mainly focus on reconstructing Khmer temple and ornament. During the last 6 months of their researches, they outlined their algorithms with very interesting results. They also got some feedbacks to continue improving their researches in the next 6 months. All in all, this is really a smart move that MSO is used to solve problems Khmer architecture and we cannot wait to see any upcoming workshop on MSO.


Royal University of Phnom Penh Royal University of Phnom Penh


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