Introduction | ![]() |

After Cambodia became ASEAN member on April 30, 1999, The Minster of Education, Youth and Sport was invited to attend the 6th AUN-BOT Meeting in Brunei Darussalam in June 1999. Since then the Royal University of Phnom Penh has been listed as a member of the ASEAN University Network (AUN). Subsequently, the RUPP Quality Assurance Unit (RUPP-QAU) was opened at the recommendation of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, with the endorsement of the RUPP Executive Board in 2002 (Ref: Letter of Nomination 1074/02RUPP). RUPP QAU manages a systematic, structured, and continuous program to ensure a high standard of teaching and research by the university academic departments and staff. It also works to ensure the gradual improvement of all quality standards within the University. In addition to coordinating all internal university quality assurance, the QAU also coordinates efforts at the RUPP to prepare for external accreditation. To accomplish its mission, QAU has established the Internal Quality Assurance Network (Ref: Letter of Invitation 965/2009RUPP) among the departments in order to ensure high standards of quality management in RUPP. A good functioning system of Internal Quality Assurance (IQA) is necessary to harmonize departmental efforts in implementing the standards set by the Accreditation Committee of Cambodia (ACC) and in preparing documents for submission to both internal and external accreditation agencies (AUN-QA).
Since its establishment, the Quality Assurance Unit has implemented practical and effective methods to measure and improve academic quality at RUPP. At the end of every academic year, QAU routinely carries out surveys about course content and delivery, providing feedback which helps target needs for change within the University. The SWOT analysis reports are disseminated to the University rector, vice-rectors and all department stakeholders within the institution.
Quality Assurance Office at Royall University of Phnom Penh has been supported with Capacity Building under SICA project. RUPP is the coordinator of the project "Strengthening quality assurance in Cambodian higher education" - SICA. Read about SICA Project News. at RUPP, or read more about SICA Project
Contact Info

Head of QAC:
- Asst.Prof.Chorvy VONG
- Email:quality.assurance(at)
- Tel: (855) 12-229-279
Student Life

Foreign students who are interested in studying in Cambodia should first approach their national government. read more...