Course Offered
The DMC is part of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities at Royal University of Phnom Penh. We offer a four-year Bachelor of Arts in Media Management. Substantially conducted in English, the program is designed to train students in:
- Print Media (news/in-depth reporting, writing and editing)
- Broadcast Media (radio and TV productions)
- Multimedia and Online Journalism
- Photojournalism
- Mass Communication
- Media Theory and Research
- Medial Law and Ethics
- Media Literacy
- Entrepreneurial Journalism
- Current Issues in Media and Journalism
- Digital Communication and Development
- English and Khmer Languages
- Public Relations
- Cambodian and World History
- Computer Use in Media Production
- Graphic Design and Layout
- Media Management
- Newsroom Management
- Project and Production Management
Contact Info

Head of Department:
- Mr. Ung Bun Y
- Tel & Fax: (+855) 23 88 44 08
- Email:
- Office: Campus I, RUPP

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