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Recent Publications


(Names of CBC staff, teachers and research associates are underlined)


  1. Chan, B., Brosse, S., Hogan, Z. S., Ngor, P. B., & Lek, S. (2020). Influence of local habitat and climatic factors on the distribution of fish species in the tonle sap lake. Water (Switzerland), 12(3). https://doi.org/10.3390/w12030786


  1. Chan, B., Sor, R., Ngor, P. B., Baehr, C., & Lek, S. (2019). Modelling spatial and temporal dynamics of two small mud carp species in the Tonle Sap flood-pulse ecosystem. Ecological Modelling, 392(April 2018), 82–91. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2018.11.007


  1. Furey, Neil M., Daltry, J. C., Saveng, I., Souter, N. J., & Weckauf, R. (2018). A decade of the Cambodian Journal of Natural History, the Kingdom’s first peer-reviewed science journal. Cambodian Journal of Natural History, 1(1), 1–3. https://doi.org/10.1590/S1984-46702014000300006

  2. Ngor, P. B., Sor, R., Prak, L. H., So, N., Hogan, Z. S., & Lek, S. (2018). Mollusc fisheries and length-weight relationship in Tonle Sap flood pulse system, Cambodia. Annales de Limnologie, 54(November). https://doi.org/10.1051/limn/2018026

  3. Sor, R., Legendre, P., & Lek, S. (2018). Uniqueness of sampling site contributions to the total variance of macroinvertebrate communities in the Lower Mekong Basin. Ecological Indicators, 84(March 2017), 425–432. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2017.08.038


  1. Chan, B., Ngor, P. B., So, N., & Lek, S. (2017). Spatial and temporal changes in fish yields and fish communities in the largest tropical floodplain lake in Asia. Annales de Limnologie, 53, 485–493. https://doi.org/10.1051/limn/2017027

  2. Sor, R., Boets, P., Chea, R., Goethals, P. L. M., & Lek, S. (2017). Spatial organization of macroinvertebrate assemblages in the Lower Mekong Basin. Limnologica, 64(April), 20–30. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.limno.2017.04.001

  3. Sor, R., Park, Y. S., Boets, P., Goethals, P. L. M., & Lek, S. (2017). Effects of species prevalence on the performance of predictive models. Ecological Modelling, 354, 11–19. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2017.03.006

  4. Thi, S., Lee, Y. T., Gaw, L. Y. F., Grundy-Warr, C., & Souter, N. J. (2017). The hollow drum: impacts of human use on the Tonle Sap flooded forest at Kampong Luong, Cambodia. Cambodian Journal of Natural HIstory, 2017(2), 179–188.


  1. Ith S., S. Bumrungsri, N. M. Furey, P. J. J. Bates, M. Wonglapsuwan, F. A. A. Khan, V. D. Thong, P. Soisook, C. Satasook and N. M 2016. Thomas. Taxonomic Implications of Geographical Variation in Rhinolophus affinis(Chiroptera: Rhinolophidae) in mainland Southeast Asia. Zoological Studies, 54:31.

  2. Ith S., S. Bumrungsri, N. M. Thomas, P. J. J. Bates, W. A. Demian, F. A. A. Khan, M. Wonglapsuwan, P. Soisook, C. Satasook, I. Maryanto, J. C.-C. Huang and N. M. Furey 2016. Geographical Variation of Rhinolophus affinis (Chiroptera: Rhinolophidae) in the Sundaic Subregion, including the Thai-Malay Peninsula, Borneo and Sumatra. Acta Chiropterologica 18(1): 141-161


  1. Ith, S., Bumrungsri, S., Furey, N.M., Bates, P.J.J., Wonglapsuwan, M., Khan, F.A.A., Thong, V.D., Soisook, P., Satasook, C., & Thomas, N.M. 2015. Taxonomic implications of geographical variation in Rhinolophus affinis (Chiroptera: Rhinolophidae) in mainland Southeast Asia. Zoological Studies, 54:31 DOI 10.1186/s40555-015-0109-8.


  1. Geissler, P., Poyarkov N.A., Grismer, L., Nguyen, T.Q., & An, H.T., Neang, T., Kupfer, A., Ziegler, T., Böhme, W. & Hendrik Müller, H. 2014. New Ichthyophis species from Indochina (Gymnophiona, Ichthyophiidae): 1. The unstriped forms with descriptions of three new species and the redescriptions of I. acuminatus Taylor, 1960, I. youngorum Taylor, 1960 and I. laosensis Taylor, 1969. Organisms Diversity & Evolution, DOI: 10.1007/s13127-014-0190-6

  2. Meas, S., Sor, R. 2014. New Records of rotifer fauna in the upper Cambodian Mekong River basin. IJERD-International Journal of Environmental and Rural Development, 5-1, 7-13.

  3. Neang, T., Hartmann, T., Hun, S., Souter, N.J., Furey, N.M. 2014. A new species of wolf snake (Colubridae: Lycodon Fitzinger, 1826) from Phnom Samkos Wildlife Sanctuary, Cardamom Mountains, southwest Cambodia. Zootaxa, 3814(1) 068-080.http://biotaxa.org/Zootaxa/article/view/zootaxa.3814.1.3

  4. Parrott, M., Chhin S., Hun S., Chheang S. & Furey, N. (2014) A small terrestrial mammal survey and analysis of bait consumption at Bokor National Park, Cambodia. Cambodian Journal of Natural History, 2014, 19–23. Open access: www.fauna-flora.org/publications/cambodian-journal-of-natural-history/

  5. Sor, R., Meas, S., Wong KKY, Min, M. &Segers, H. 2014. Diversity of Monogononta rotifer species among standing waterbodies in northern Cambodia. Journal of Limnology, doi: 10.4081/jlimnol.2014.995

  6. Souter, N.J. 2014. Building a capacity for conservation – Fauna & Flora International’s University Capacity Building Project. Australian Quarterly 85(2), 9-13.

  7. Thi, S., Jurgens, J.A. & Furey, N.M. 2014. Effect of bat guano on the growth of five economically important plant species. Journal of Tropical Agriculture 52(2), 169-173.


  1. Souter, N.J. 2013 Editorial—The University Capacity Building Project and Centre for Biodiversity Conservation: the Project Manager’s perspective. Cambodian Journal of Natural History 2013(2), 61-63. Open access: www.fauna-flora.org/publications/cambodian-journal-of-natural-history/

  2. Chheang, S., Bates, P.J.J., Boughey, K., Csorba, G., Hayes, B., Ith S., Mould, A., Phauk S. & Furey, N.M. 2013 Further new country records of four bat species (Chiroptera) from Cambodia and a call for information. Cambodian Journal of Natural History, 2013, 73–82. Open access: www.fauna-flora.org/publications/cambodian-journal-of-natural-history/

  3. Neang, T., Chhin, S., Meang, M. & Hun, S.2013. Confirmation of three species of megophryid frogs (Amphibia: Megophryidae) from the Cardamom Mountains of Southwest Cambodia, with the rediscovery of a long lost species. Cambodian Journal of Natural History, 2013, 66–72. Open access: www.fauna-flora.org/publications/cambodian-journal-of-natural-history/

  4. Neang, T., Hun, S. 2013. First record of Oligodon annamensis Leviton, 1953 (Squamata: Colubridae) from the Cardamom Mountains of southwest Cambodia. Herpetology Notes 6: 271-273.

  5. Phauk, S., Phen, S., Furey, N.M. 2013. Cambodian bat echolocation: A first description of assemblage call parameters and assessment of their utility for species identification. Cambodian Journal of Natural History 2013(1). (in press)

  6. Sor, R., Segers, H., Meas, S. 2013. Rotifers as bio-indicators of freshwater quality: A case study from the upper Cambodian Mekong River basin. RUPP Journal of Science. (in press)


  1. Chhin, S., Nielsen, H. & Thomson, L. R. 2012 First records of White’s thrush Zoothera aurea and a subspecies of Asian paradise-flycatcher Terpsiphone paradisi indochinensis for Cambodia. Cambodian Journal of Natural History 2012(1): 107-111. Open access: http://www.fauna-flora.org/publications/cambodian-journal-of-natural-history/

  2. Chhin, S., Neilson, P. & Thomson, R.L. 2012. A comparison of bird communities in disturbed and pristine forest in Phnom Samkos Wildlife Sanctuary, southwest Cambodia. Proceedings of the 2012 annual meeting of the Asia-Pacific chapter of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation: 73.

  3. Daltry, J., Fisher, M., Furey, N.M. 2012. Editorial – How to write a winning paper. Cambodian Journal of Natural History 2012(2): 97-100. Open access: www.fauna-flora.org/publications/cambodian-journal-of-natural-history/

  4. Furey, N. 2012. Building a new generation of conservationists: Cambodia’s recent history left unique challenges. BATS 30(2): 2-5.

  5. Furey, N., Ith, S., Phauk, S., Bates, P. & Csorba, G. 2012. Cambodian bats: recent research progress and challenges. Proceedings of the 2012 annual meeting of the Asia-Pacific chapter of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation: 72.

  6. Furey, N., Phauk, S., Phen, S., Chheang, S., Ith, S., Bates, P.J.J. & Csorba, G. 2012. New country records for five bat species from Cambodia. Cambodian Journal of Natural History. 2012(2): 141-149. Open access: www.fauna-flora.org/publications/cambodian-journal-of-natural-history/

  7. Geissler, P., Hartmann, T. & Thy, N. 2012. A new species of the genus Lygosoma Hardwicke & Gray, 1827 (Squamata: Scincidae) from northeastern Cambodia, with an updated identification key to the genus Lygosoma in mainland Southeast Asia. Zootaxa 3190: 56-68.

  8. Oi, T., Thao, S., Meas, S., Hamada, Y. 2012. Present status and conservation of primates in the Kingdom of Cambodia. Primate Research 28: 49-60.

  9. Thy, N., Grismer, L.L. & Daltry, J. 2012. A new species of kukri snake (Colubridae: Oligodon Fitzinger, 1826) from the Phnom Samkos Wildlife Sanctuary, Cardamom Mountains, southwest Cambodia. Zootaxa 3388: 41-55.

  10. Vu Dinh Thong, Puechmaille, S.J., Denzinger, A., Bates, P.J.J., Dietz, C., Csorba, G., Soisook, P., Teeling, E.C., Matsumura, S., Furey, N.M. & Schnitzler, H.-U. 2012. Systematics of the Hipposideros turpis complex and a description of a new subspecies from Vietnam. Mammal Review 42(2): 166-192.


  1. Chantha, N., Chheang, S., Chhin, S., Ke, S., Kim, C. & Sor, R. (2011) Recent masters theses. Cambodian Journal of Natural History 2011(2): 140-142. Open access: www.fauna-flora.org/publications/cambodian-journal-of-natural-history/

  2. Csorba, G., Son, N.T., Ith, S. & Furey, N.M. (2011) Revealing cryptic bat diversity: three new Murina and redescription of M. tubinaris from Southeast Asia. Journal of Mammalogy 92(4): 891-904.

  3. Gaertner, J.P, Mendoza, J.A., Neang, T., Forstner, M.R.J. & Hahn, D. (2011) Detection of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in frogs from different locations in Cambodia. Herpetological Review 42(4): 546-549.

  4. Grismer, L.L., Grismer, J.L., Wood, P.L., Ngo, V.T., Neang, T., Chan, K.O. (2011) Herpetology on the fringes of the Sunda shelf: A discussion of discovery, taxonomy, and biogeography. Bonner Zoologische Monographien Nr. 57, 2011: 57-97.

  5. Ith, S., Csorba, G., Bates, P.J.J. & Furey, N.M. (2011) Confirmation of seven bat species for Cambodia. Cambodian Journal of Natural History 2011(2): 93-103. Open access: www.fauna-flora.org/publications/cambodian-journal-of-natural-history/

  6. Ith, S., Soisook, S., Bumrungsri, S., Kingston, T., Puechmaille, S., Struebig, M.J., Bu, S.S., Thong, V.D., Furey, N.M., Hammond, N. & Bates, P.J.J. (2011) A taxonomic review of Rhinolophus coelophyllus Peters 1867 and R. shameli Tate 1943 (Chiroptera: Rhinolophidae) in continental Southeast Asia. Acta Chiropterologica 13(1): 41-59.

  7. Kha, C., Wong, K., Meas, S. (2011) Species richness of rotifers in pond samples in the late rainy season in Kratie, Stung Treng and Ratanakiri Provinces. Unpublished report, Centre for Biodiversity Conservation, Royal University of Phnom Penh.

  8. Kingsada, P., Douangboubpha, B., Ith, S., Furey, N., Soisook, P., Bumrungsri, S., Satasook, C., Vu D.T., Csorba, G., Harrison, D., Pearch, M., Bates, P. & Thomas, N. (2011) A checklist of bats from Cambodia, including the first record of the intermediate horseshoe bat Rhinolophus affinis (Chiroptera: Rhinolophidae), with additional information from Thailand and Vietnam. Cambodian Journal of Natural History 2011(1): 49-59. Open access: www.fauna-flora.org/publications/cambodian-journal-of-natural-history/

  9. Khom, S., Sotheary, L., Youleang, P., Sophany, P., Phen, S. & Sophak, S. (2011) Recent masters theses. Cambodian Journal of Natural History 2011(1): 60-63. Open access: www.fauna-flora.org/publications/cambodian-journal-of-natural-history/

  10. Mendoza, J.A., Gaertner, J.P, Holden, J., Forstner, M.R.J. & Hahn, D. (2011) Detection of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis on amphibians in Pursat Province, Cambodia. Herpetological Review 42(4): 542-545.

  11. Min, M., Wong, K.K.Y. & Meas, S. (2011) Rotifer fauna in pond samples from the upper Cambodian Mekong River Basin. Cambodian Journal Natural History 2011(1): 14-22. Open access: www.fauna-flora.org/publications/cambodian-journal-of-natural-history/

  12. Neang, T., Holden, J., Eastoe, T., Seng, R., Ith, S. & Grismer, L.L. (2011) A new species of Dibamus (Squamata: Dibamidae) from Phnom Samkos Wildlife Sanctuary, southwestern Cardamom Mountains, Cambodia. Zootaxa 2828: 58–68.

  13. Neang, T., Chhin, S., Meanrith, K. & Hun, S. (2011) First records of two reptile species (Gekkonidae: Hemidactylus garnotii Dumeríl & Bibron, 1836; Viperidae: Ovophis convictus Stoliczka, 1870) from Cambodia. Cambodian Journal of Natural History 2011(2): 86-92. Open access: www.fauna-flora.org/publications/cambodian-journal-of-natural-history/

  14. Swei, A., Rowley, J.J.L., Rödder, D., Diesmos, M L. L., Diesmos, A. C., Briggs, C. J., Brown, R, Cao, T. T., Cheng, T L., Chong, R. A., Han, B., Hero, J-M, Hoang, H. D., Kusrini, M. D., Le, D T. T. , McGuire, J. A., Meegaskumbura, M, Min, M-S., Mulcahy, D.G., Neang, T., Phimmachak, S., Rao, D-Q., Reeder, N.M., Schoville, S.D., Sivongxay, N., Srei, N., Stock, M., Stuart, B.L., Torres, L.S., Tran, D.T.A., Tunstall, T.S., Vieites, D. & Vredenburg, V.T. (2011) Is Chytridiomycosis an emerging infectious disease in Asia? PlosOne 6: 1-9. Open access: www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0023179


  1. Daltry, J.C. & Starr, A. (2010) Development of a re-introduction and reinforcement programme for Siamese crocodiles in Cambodia. In (ed. P. Soorae) Global Re-introduction Perspectives: 2010, pp. 118-123. Open access: http://data.iucn.org/dbtw-wpd/edocs/2010-076.pdf

  2. Long, J. & Seng, R. (2010) Recent masters theses. Cambodian Journal of Natural History 2010(2): 144-145. Open access: www.fauna-flora.org/publications/cambodian-journal-of-natural-history/

  3. Meas, S. & Sanoamuang, L. (2010) New records of rotifer fauna in Cambodian Mekong River Basin. Cambodian Journal of Natural History 2010(1): 48-62. Open access: www.fauna-flora.org/publications/cambodian-journal-of-natural-history/

  4. Neang, T. 2010. An investigation into frog consumption and trade in Cambodia. Fauna & Flora International Cambodia Programme. Open access: www.savethefrogs.com/actions/frog-legs/images/Fauna%20Flora%20International%20-%20Frog%20Consumption%20Report%20-%20Cambodia.pdf

  5. Neang, T., Grismer, L.L, Onn, K. C. Grismer, J.L., Wood, P.L.Jr. & Youmans, T. M. (2010) First report on the herpetofauna of Dalai Mountain in Phnom Samkos Wildlife Sanctuary, southwestern Cardamom Mountains, Cambodia. Cambodian Journal of Natural History 2010 (2): 127-143. Open access: www.fauna-flora.org/publications/cambodian-journal-of-natural-history/

  6. Rowley, J.J.L., Stuart, B.L., Neang, T. & Emmett, D.A. (2010) A new species of Leptolalax (Anura: Megophryidae) from northeastern Cambodia. Zootaxa 2567: 57–68.

  7. Starr, A., Daltry, J.C. & Nhek, R. (2010) DNA study reveals pure Siamese Crocodiles at the Phnom Tamao Wildlife Rescue Centre, Cambodia. Newsletter of the IUCN/ SSC Crocodile Specialist Group 28: 5-7. Open access: www.iucncsg.org/ph1/modules/Publications/newsletter/CSG_Newsletter_28_4.pdf

  8. Stuart, B.L., Rowley, J.J.L., Neang, T., Emmett, D.A. & Som, S. (2010) Significant new records of amphibians and reptiles from Virachey National Park, northeastern Cambodia. Cambodian Journal of Natural History 2010(1): 38–47. Open access: www.fauna-flora.org/publications/cambodian-journal-of-natural-history/

  9. Traeholt, C. (2010) Editorial: In memoriam of Lim Kannitha. Cambodian Journal of Natural History 2010(1): 3-4. Open access: www.fauna-flora.org/publications/cambodian-journal-of-natural-history/

  10. Wood, Jr., P.L., Grismer, L.L., Grismer, J.L., Neang, T., Chav, T. & Holden, J. (2010) A new cryptic species of Acanthosaura Gray, 1831 (Squamata: Agamidae) from Thailand and Cambodia. Zootaxa 2488: 22–38.


  1. Bradfield, D. & Daltry, J. (2009) Short Communication: Progress in breaking the link between narcotics crime and rainforest loss in Cambodia. Cambodian Journal of Natural History 2009 (1): 5-6. Open access: www.fauna-flora.org/publications/cambodian-journal-of-natural-history/

  2. Daltry, J. (2009) Building university capacity to train and support Cambodian Conservationists. Darwin News 16 (October): 10-11.

  3. Daltry, J. & Woodfield, E. (2009) Not just an academic exercise. Fauna & Flora Magazine 2009: 16-20.

  4. Holden, J. & Neang, T. (2009) Small carnivore records from the Cardamom Mountains, southwestern Cambodia. Small Carnivore Conservation 40: 16–21.

  5. Rath, S. (2009) Editorial: Lessons learnt in establishing a Masters Programme in Biodiversity Conservation at the RUPP. Cambodian Journal of Natural History 2009(1): 3-4. Open access: www.fauna-flora.org/publications/cambodian-journal-of-natural-history/

  6. Rowley, R., Brown, R., Bain, R., Kusrini, M., Inger, R., Stuart, B., Wogan, G., Neang, T., Chan-ard, T., Trung, C.T., Diesmos, A., Iskandar, D.T., Lau, M., Ming, L.T., Makchai, S., Truong N.Q. & Phimmachak, S. (2009) Impending conservation crisis for southeast Asian amphibians. Biology Letters: 1-3 (doi:10.1098/rsbl.2009.0793)

  7. Neang, T. (2009) Liquid resin tapping by local people in Phnom Samkos Wildlife Sanctuary, Cambodia. Cambodian Journal of Natural History 2009(1): 16-25. Open access: www.fauna-flora.org/publications/cambodian-journal-of-natural-history/

  8. Oum, S., Hor, L., Han, S., Sonn, P., Simpson, B.K. & Daltry, J. (2009) A comparative study of incentive-based schemes for Siamese crocodile Crocodylus siamensis conservation in the Cardamom Mountains. Cambodian Journal of Natural History 2009(1): 40-57. Open access: www.fauna-flora.org/publications/cambodian-journal-of-natural-history/

  9. Phan, C., Heng, C., Lim, K., Chey, K., Nop, N. & Ith, S. (2009) Recent Masters Theses. Cambodian Journal of Natural History 2009(1): 58-62. Open access: www.fauna-flora.org/publications/cambodian-journal-of-natural-history/


  1. Daltry, J.C. (2008) Editorial - Cambodia’s biodiversity revealed. Cambodian Journal of Natural History 2008(1): 3-5. Open access: www.fauna-flora.org/publications/cambodian-journal-of-natural-history/

  2. Grismer, L.L., Neang, T., Chav, T. & Grismer, J.L. (2008) Checklist of the amphibians and reptiles of the Cardamom region of Southwestern Cambodia. Cambodian Journal of Natural History 2008(1): 12–28. Open access: www.fauna-flora.org/publications/cambodian-journal-of-natural-history/

  3. Grismer, L.L., Neang, T., Chav, T., Wood, Jr. P.L., Oaks, J.R., Holden, J., Grismer, J.L, Szu, T. R. & Youmans, T.M. (2008) Additional amphibians and reptiles from the Phnom Samkos Wildlife Sanctuary, northwestern Cardamom Mountains, Cambodia, with comments on their taxonomy and the discovery of three new species. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 56: 161–175.

  4. Neang, T. & Holden, J. (2008) A Field Guide to the Amphibians of Cambodia. Fauna & Flora International, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. pp. 132.


  1. Grismer, L.L., Chav, T., Neang, T., Wood, Jr. P.L., Grismer, J.L., Youmans, T.M., Ponce, A., Daltry, J.C. & Kaiser, H. (2007) The herpetofauna of the Phnom Aural Wildlife Sanctuary and checklist of the herpetofauna of the Cardamom Mountains, Cambodia. Hamadryad 30: 216–241.

  2. Grismer, L.L., Neang, T., Chav, T. & Holden, J. (2007) A new species of Chiromantis Peters 1354 (Anura: Rhacophoridae) from Phnom Samkos in the northwestern Cardamom Mountains, Cambodia. Herpetologica 63: 392–400.


  1. Stuart, B. L., Sok K. & Neang, T. (2006) A collection of amphibians and reptiles from hilly eastern Cambodia. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 54: 129–155.

Contact Info

Dr. Ith Saveng
Tel: (+855)12 507 492
Email: ith.saveng@rupp.edu.kh
Mr. Sim Sathia
Tel: (+855)78 785 489
Office: Room 425, the Department of Biology, Campus I

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