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Recent Student Theses

Final Year Student Theses Sustained by the Masters Programme in Biodiversity Conservation


  1. Bunyeth Chan.Spatial and temporal dynamics of fish species and community in Tonle Sap flood pulse system.

  2. Roth Vichet.The imapact of question format in conservation research: A compareison of spcialized techniques applied in the cambodia context.

  3. Ny Naiky.Breeding Ecology Conservation of Three Cambodia's Vulture Species


  1. Soun Visal. Estimating Asian Elephant (Elephas maximus) Distribution Patterns During Dry Season in Prey Lang Wildlife Sanctuary, Cambodia: Implications for Conservation and Future Recovery.

  2. Peng Borin. Diversity and population dynamic of mosquito's vector of Japanese Encephalitis Virus in a peri-urban and rural pig farm setting in Cambodia.

  3. Chhum Moeun. A Comparison of Insect Diversity: Leafhoppers ( Cicadellidae) in Protected andNon-Protected Habitats from Chambok Community Forest, Kompong Speu Province.

  4. Tak Chandara. Density estimation of Green Peafowl Pavo Muticus in Srepok Wildlife Sanctuary, Cambodia.

  5. Suor Kimhuor. Understanding the current and historical impact of community fisheries on sea turtle in Koh Sdach and Chrouy Svay, Coastal Southwest Cambodia.

  6. San Satya. Understanding the current and historical impact of community fisheries on sea turtle in Koh Sdach and Chrouy Svay, Coastal Southwest Cambodia.

  7. Suor Kimhuor. Comparison of the density of green leafhopper ( Nephotettix virescens) and brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens) in the rice field in the Northwest Tonles Sap Lake, Cambodia.

  8. Sim Sovannarun. Assessing the feasibility of applying remote sampling methodologies to estimate Sun bear (Helarctos malayanus) population size in Cardamom Mountains


  1. Son Virak. Persistence of Critically Endangered Bengal Florican Houbaropsis bengalensis in the modern agricultural system, Cambodia.

  2. Tam Sreykol. The Study of Feeding Biology of Two Fish: Channa striata and Clarias batrachus in a Community Fish Refuge and Tonle Sap Lake at Pursat Province.

  3. Vann Chanmunny. Determine fish diversity and biomass and survival rate of fish stocked in rice field refuge ponds during dry season in Pursat Province.


  1. Chan Sophea. A Systematic Review of the Leaf-nosed Bats Fauna (Hipposideridae) of Cambodia.

  2. EAN Sokunthy. Isolation of soil Actinomycetes (Chambok Community, Kompong Speu) and screening for their antimicrobial activities against bacteria pathogens.

  3. Sok Pheakdey. Home Range and Habitat Use of Yellow-cheeked Crested Gibbons Nomascus gabriellae in the Seima Protected Forest, Eastern Cambodia.

  4. Lim Thona. Cave Selection and Reproductive Phenology on Insectivorous Bats in Southern Cambodian Karst and Conservation Implications.

  5. Hong Seangaun. Does boat traffic affect the behaviour of irrawaddy dolphins (Orcaella brevirostris) in the Mekong River, Cambodia.

  6. Yim Raksmey. Detemining the significance of sedimentation on coral reef health around Koh Rong Sanloem, Cambodia.

  7. Hok Visal. Diet Study of a Lyle's Flying Fox (Pteropus lylei) population in Kandal Province, Cambodia.

  8. Sak Sreymon. The effectiveness of artificial habitats (brush parks and plastic flowers) as fish eco-shelter in Community Fisheries Refuges in Pursat and Battambang Provinces.

  9. Thoung Bunnareay. Seasonal Diversity of Monogononta Rotifer among Rivers in Northeastern Cambodia.

  10. Gnim Sodavy. Monitoring od fish in 3S River network in Ratanakiri Province and Stung Treng Province of Cambodia.

  11. Chan Bunyeth. Trailing Thai Department of Fisheries Method in the Srepok and the Sesan Rivers in Northeast Cambodia.

  12. Mao Khean. Dry-season Habitat Use of Critically Endangered White-shouldered Ibis Pseudibis davisoni in the Mekong Flooded Forest Landscape in Kratie Province, Northeast Cambodia.

  13. On Chanthy. The Socio-economic Implications of Proposed No-take Zones inKoh Rong Archipelago, Cambodia.

  14. Ret Ratha. The prevalence of Chytrid fungus (Batrachochytrium dendrobatis) on Amphibian (Anura) in Cardamom Mountain and Northeast Cambodia.

  15. Meang Navy./ The ecology and economic importance of resin trees in the Monks Community Forest, Oddar Meanchey Province, northwest Cambodia.

  16. Men Sophatry. Assessment of standardized gillnet for monitoring fish in the 3S River System.


  1. Mr. Chan Bunyeth. Trailing Thai Department of Fisheries Method in the Srepok and the Sesan Rivers in Northeast Cambodia.

  2. Gnim Sodavy. Monitoring of fish in 3S river network in Ratanakiri province and Stung Treng province of Cambodia.

  3. Hong Seangaun. Does boat traffic affect the behavior of Irrawaddy dolphin (Orcaella brevirostris) in Mekong River.

  4. Hok Visal. Diet study of a Lyle's Flying Fox (Pteropus lylei) population in Kandal province, Cambodia.

  5. Hoem Thavry. Diet and Reproductive Phenology of Cave Nectar Bat (Eonycteri spelaea) in Cambodia and Its Conservation Implications.

  6. Lim Thona. Cave Selection and Reproductive Phenology of Insectivorous Bats in Southern Cambodian Karst and Conservation Implications.

  7. Mao Khean. Dry-season Habitat Use of Critically Endangered White-shouldered Ibis Pseudibis davisoni in the Mekong Flooded Forest Landscape in Kratie Province, Northeast Cambodia.

  8. Men Sophatry. Assessment of standardized gillnet for monitoring fish in the 3S River System.

  9. Meng Navy. The ecology and importance of resin trees in the Monks Community Forest, Oddar Meanchey Province, northwest Cambodia.

  10. Meas Chenda. The importance of Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) for community livelihood in Monk's Community Forest, Oddar Meanchey Province.

  11. On Chanthy. The Socio-economic Implications of proposed no-take Zones in the Koh Rong and Koh Rong Sanloem Archipelago, Cambodia.

  12. Sak Sreymon. The effectiveness of artificial reefs (brush parks and plastic flowers) as fish eco-shelter in Community Fisheries Refuges in Pursat and Battambang Provinces.

  13. Sok Pheakdey. Home Range and Habitat Use of Yellow-cheeked Crested Gibbons Nomascus gabriellae in the Seima Protected Forest, Eastern Cambodia.

  14. Thoung Bunnareay. Seasonal Diversity of Monogononta Rotifer among Rivers in Northeastern Cambodia.

  15. Yim Reaksmey. Determining the significance of sedimentation on coral reef health around Koh Rong Sanloem, Cambodia.


  1. Ms. Chhuon Socheata. Human Activities Influence on the Dynamics of Wild Edible Plants at Samras Sub-group of Kam Village, Ratanakiri Province.

  2. Ms. Hong Lina. Major Economic Activities from the Consumption of Fuel Wood Sourcing in Chumriey Mountain, Kampong Chhnang Province.

  3. Mr. Hul Vibol. Ecology of Flying Fox (Pteropus species) and Assessment of the Risk of Emergence of Nipah Virus in Battambang and Kandal Provinces.

  4. Ms. Leng Phalla. The Assessment of Fishing Practices on Koh Rong and Koh Rong Sanleom, in Marine Fisheries Management Areas, Cambodia.

  5. Mr. Ngin Kamsan. Comparison of the Effects of Ecotourism between Two Villages in Ang Trapeang Thmor Sarus Crane Reserve Conservation and Management Area, Northwest Cambodia.

  6. Mr. Poeuv Narith. A Systematic Review of the Fruit Bat Fauna (Pteropodidae) of Cambodia.

  7. Mr. Sum Phearun. Factors Of Trapaeng Used by Dry Forest Waterbirds and The Impact Of Rice Cultivation on Trapaeng Ecology in Western Siem Pang Proposed Protected Forest, North-Eastern Cambodia.

  8. Ms. Thi Sothearen. Designing Agroforestry Systems for Community Livelihood Improvement and Rehabilitation of Degraded Forestlands: Implication for Community Needs and Ecological Sustainability.

  9. Mr. Ty Srun. The Key Factors Potentially Influencing the Occurrence of Critically Endangered Giant Ibis (Thaumatibis gigantea) During Breeding Season (April to June) in Western Siem Pang Proposed Protected Forest, North-Eastern Cambodia.

  10. Ms. Thaung Reth. A Comparative Study of Marine Fish and Invertebrates Inhabiting Coral Reefs Surrounding Koh Rong Island, Preah Sihanouk Province, Cambodia.

  11. Mr. Yav Net. Sarus Crane (Grus antigone) food selection and disturbance events in Anlung Pring Management and Conservation Area for Sarus Crane and Other Birds in Kampong Trach district, Kampot Province.


  1. Ms. Chhay Sokmanine. Cambodian bat farms: a review of farming practices and economic value of lesser Asiatic yellow house bat, Scotophilus kuhlii (Leach, 1821), in Kandal and Takeo Provinces, Cambodia

  2. Mr. Hun Seiha. Forest butterfly assemblages (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera) of the Phnom Samkos Wildlife Sanctuary, Southwest Cambodia.

  3. Mr. Meang Moeurn. The reptiles of Phnom Samkos Wildlife Sanctuary: a taxonomic and conservation status review.

  4. Mr Min Malay. Rotifer community in wetlands in Lumphat Wildlife Sanctuary.

  5. Mr Svean Vuth. Interaction between wetland resource and livelihoods in Lumphat Wildlife Sanctuary, Rattanakiri Province, Cambodia


  1. Mr. Chantha Nasak. A baseline butterfly survey of Kbal Spean, Phnom Kulen National Park: A comparison of species diversity and relative abundance between forest and non-forest habitats.

  2. Mr. Chheang Sarak. A systematic review of the horseshoe bat fauna (Rhinolophidae) of Cambodia.

  3. Mr. Chhin Sophea. A comparison of bird communities in disturbed and pristine forest in Phnom Samkos Wildlife Sanctuary, Southwest Cambodia.

  4. Ms. Ke Socheata. Comparison of invertebrate community structure on the rocky shores of two islands off the coast of Cambodia.

  5. Ms. Khom Sokkhea. A taxonomic review of Cambodian amphibians within the genus Rana (Hylarana), with comparisons between similar species.

  6. Mr. Kim Chamnan. Population estimation and habitat selection of Oldham's Leaf Turtle Cyclemys oldhamii at the Kbal Spean River, Phnom Kulen National Park.

  7. Ms. Lim Sotheary. Food preferences of Vulnerable smooth-coated otter Lutrogale perspicillata, inferred by analysis of spraint from wild and captive animals.

  8. Ms. Peou Youleang. A systematic review of selected Cambodian dipterocarps (Dipterocarpus, Hopea and Shorea), with an identification key and notes on their conservation status.

  9. Mr. Phauk Sophany. The utility of bat (ultrasound) detectors in identifying bat species: A case study from Phnom Kulen National Park, Cambodia.

  10. Mr. Phen Sarith. The effects of forest disturbance on the species richness and abundance of bat assemblages at Phnom Kulen National Park, Cambodia.

  11. Ms. Sett Sophak. Papilionidae butterflies in Cambodia: Does maternal host plant choice influence larval food preferences and survivorship?

  12. Mr. Sor Ratha. Comparison of the rotifer fauna of lakes and reservoirs in the upper part of the Cambodian Mekong River Basin.


  1. Mr. Hem Chanrithy. An analysis of threats and site-level conservation approaches at Cambodian Protected Forests.

  2. Mr. Heng Sokrith. Factors affecting site selection and feeding habits of hairy-nosed otter Lutra sumatrana and smooth-coated otter Lutrogale perspicillata at Tonle Sap Great Lake, Cambodia.

  3. Ms. Kea Ratha. Feeding behaviour, activity patterns and food preferences of juvenile Asian Soft-shell turtles (Pelochelys cantorii) in captivity.

  4. Mr. Long Kheng. Impacts of ecotourism in the Tonle Sap Biosphere Reserve, Cambodia: A case study in the Prek Toal Core Area, Battambang Province.

  5. Mr. Seng Rathea. Monitoring of law enforcement, illegal activity and large mammals at Phnom Samkos Wildlife Sanctuary, Cardamom Mountains, Southwest Cambodia.

  6. Ms. Srey Chansorphea. Socio-economic influence of domesticated elephants on Phnong people in Mondulkiri Province.


  1. Mr. Chey Koulang. Behavioural ecology of impressed tortoises, Manouria impressa, (Günther, 1882) via radio telemetry study.

  2. Ms. Heng Chinda. Gender in community protected area management: A case study in Prey Thom Community Protected Area, Siem Reap Province, Cambodia.

  3. Mr. Ith Saveng. A taxonomic review of Rhinolophus coelophyllus Peters, 1867 and R. shameli Tate, 1943 (Chiroptera: Rhinolophidae) in Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar and Vietnam.

  4. Ms. Nop Navy. Human-related factors impacting otters in three sites in Cambodia.

  5. Mr. Oum Sony. A comparative study of incentive schemes for crocodile conservation in the Cardamom Mountains, Southwest Cambodia.

  6. Mr. Phan Channa. Habitat utilization of yellow-cheeked crested gibbon in Rattanakiri Province, Cambodia.

  7. Mr. Va Vuthy. A review of bat species diversity in Cambodia.

Final Year Student Theses sustained by the Bachelors Programme in Biology with CBC support


  1. Mr. Che Ratana. Thermoregulation in Crocodylus siamensis at Phnom Tamao Zoological and Wildlife Rescue Centre, Takeo Province.

  2. Mr. Chuon Kimleng. Differences between two populations of long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis) concerning feeding behaviour and habitat property.

  3. Ms. Leng Phalla. Effect of human-elephant conflict mitigation methods on elephants in Seima Biodiversity Conservation Area, Mondulkiri Province, Cambodia.

  4. Mr. Pel Pisey. Evaluation of three freshwater streams (forest, agriculture and urban) in the Stung Treng and Rattanakiri Provinces using phytoplankton and Escheriachia coli.

  5. Ms. Phat Phanna. Salt tolerance of two species in the Brassicaceae Family Arabidosis thaliana and Thellungiella parvula.


  1. Ms. Chi Dany. Population estimation and roost selection of Pteropus lylei and P. vampyrus at Wat Phnom in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

  2. Ms. Hong Lina. Diversity and traditional uses of Zingiberaceae in Russei-Chrum Commune, Thmabang district, Koh Kong Province.

  3. Mr. Min Malay. Species diversity of rotifers in ponds in Kratie, Stung Treng and Rattanakiri Provinces.

  4. Mr. Phoeun Chhunheang. Species occurrence of Dipterocarpaceae in Preah Vihear and Siem Reap Provinces.

Contact Info

Dr. Ith Saveng
Tel: (+855)12 507 492
Email: ith.saveng@rupp.edu.kh
Mr. Sim Sathia
Tel: (+855)78 785 489
Office: Room 425, the Department of Biology, Campus I

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