Home » Graduate Programs » Master of Science in Biodiversity Conservation » assessment


All subjects on the Masters curriculum require assessment, both as an ongoing process during the course (e.g. through tests, seminars, workshops, fieldwork studies, essays, literature review, internships etc) and at the end of each course or semester by a written and/or oral exam, or by submission of an assignment. The syllabus for each course specifies the nature of assessments and their individual contributions to the overall grade for that course.

Course assessments are primarily undertaken by the lecturers of each course, with assistance from Fauna & Flora International and the Royal University of Phnom Penh. Students must attend at least 90% of all classes in each course to be eligible to take an exam. Absence over 10% or incapacity to take exams for valid and approved reasons will however be taken into consideration.

All assessments are designed to facilitate evaluation of the students acquired competencies and capacity for critical thinking rather than mnemonic effort. Grading reflects the actual control by the student of the concepts, techniques and arguments presented during each course. Additional criteria for grading may include:

  1. Effort applied to improve knowledge of the subject
  2. Personal study beyond that required by the course
  3. Additional use of recommended materials
  4. Personal library work on the course topic
  5. Originality and clarity of arguments presented

Second year research theses are independently assessed and graded by a minimum of three examiners, including at least one external to the University. The Masters programme coordinators are responsible for collating the average grade from these, formulating a statement on the thesis (using written reports provided by each examiner) and submitting these for ratification and onwards transmission to the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport.

The Masters programme grading system is based on a point scale of a maximum 100 marks, 50 being the minimum passing mark. This is translated into a "grade letter", a "grade point", and a "value" as described below:

Marks Grade Grade Point Value
85-100% A 4.0 Excellent
80-84% B+ 3.5 Very good
70-79% B 3.0 Good
65-69% C+ 2.5 Fair
50-64% C 2.0 Pass
<50% F 1.0 Fail
n/a - - Incapacity to take exam

Students should note that plagiarism (direct copying from other students and information sources and/or use of other material without appropriate acknowledgement) will make it impossible to receive any grade other than "fail". Heavy or repeated offences will result in dismissal from the programme.

Contact Info

Dr. Ith Saveng
Tel: (+855)12 507 492
Email: ith.saveng@rupp.edu.kh
Mr. Sim Sathia
Tel: (+855)78 785 489
Office: Room 425, the Department of Biology, Campus I

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