Student Support

A variety of resources and support are available to students studying the Masters of Science in Biodiversity Conservation. These include.
Tuition Scholarships and Research Grants
A large number of full and partial scholarships are available for female and male students entering the first semester of the Masters programme in February each year. The number and sizes of scholarships available changes each year and the latest information on these can be obtained by contacting the CBC.
Professional Development
Through the Masters programme's extensive links to international scientific and conservation circles, students have access to a diverse array of specialists and professionals who regularly deliver guest lectures and supervise research theses. In addition to introducing students to future employers in Cambodia and overseas, the Masters programme provides career support by arranging student work placements with organizations nationwide and assisting graduates to prepare job, scholarship and grant applications (providing references where needed).
The Centre for Biodiversity Conservation at the Royal University of Phnom Penh also employs outstanding students. Current alumni information indicates that students who have jobs while studying experience promotions and greater recognition within their organizations upon graduation, while those who undertake the Masters immediately after their undergraduate degree typically quickly gain conservation or education related employment in Cambodia, or continue further post-graduate studies through overseas scholarships.
Computing and Other Facilities
Dedicated I.T. facilities including five desktop and two laptop computers are available to students on the Masters programme (all equipped with internet access and the latest software packages) and wifi internet access is available to students within the Centre of Biodiversity Conservation. Students also have full access to a wide variety of research equipment, including camping gear, and equipment for sampling water quality and freshwater and terrestrial biota, in addition to a range of laboratory and curatorial activities.
Conservation Library
In addition to the Hun Sen Library, students on the Masters programme have full access to a dedicated reference collection containing several hundred recent texts on conservation biology and sustainable development. The conservation library is housed in the zoological museum (below) and students also have access to thousands of electronic titles through databases available to the Masters programme.
Zoological and Botanical Museum Collections
Established by the Centre for Biodiversity Conservation in 2007, the reference collections have grown to include several thousands of voucher specimens and remain the only natural history museums dedicated to lesser-known and smaller-bodied biota in Cambodia. As a result, these have become an important national asset for documenting Cambodian biodiversity and are regularly used in systematic and conservation-orientated research efforts, Masters teaching and by students undertaking course assignments and second year thesis projects.
The Cambodian Journal of Natural History
Students on the Masters programme receive a free hardcopy subscription to the Cambodian Journal of Natural History, the first peer-reviewed scientific periodical in Cambodia. Aimed at helping Cambodian scientists to share their findings and improve their writing skills, the journal addresses the critical need for information on the conservation status and management requirements of Cambodian biodiversity.
Contact Info

- Dr. Ith Saveng
- Tel: (+855)12 507 492
- Email:
- Mr. Sim Sathia
- Tel: (+855)78 785 489
- Office: Room 425, the Department of Biology, Campus I

For students who are looking for a scholarship, RUPP provides a number of sources of scholarships. read more...