Mission & Vision
The mission of the Psychology Department at the Royal University of Phnom Penh is to provide solid educational training in psychology for individuals who want to alleviate the many social and mental problems particularly relevant to Cambodia. We aim to provide an educational environment in which our graduate students can learn advanced concepts and principles of psychology, psychotherapy, counseling and the methods of scientific inquiry into the behavior of individuals, groups and society. We also aim to give profound practical training in Clinical Psychology, Psychotherapy and Counseling. The goal is to train Psychologists as possible with a special focus on traumatherapeutic approaches with a strong integration of traditional Cambodian cultural ways and forms of support. Via this it will provide knowhow and capacities to meet the Cambodian population's needs for psychoeducation, for psychological understanding and help via psychotherapeutic approaches such as individual or group therapy or counseling. The acquired knowledge and skills that students obtain in our master program will be extremely useful for a wide variety of employment settings and careers.
The Department of Psychology aspires to excellence in research, education of master students, and public and community service. Our Department of Psychology strives to be recognized as the premier psychology department in Cambodia and as a national and international leader in research in psychology providing both undergraduate and graduate education.
Cambodian Society has to deal with a wide range of psychological problems arising from its long history of violence and the very poor socio-economic level/ situation. The Department of Psychology at the Royal University of Phnom Penh wants to help to address these problems and find better solutions for individuals as well as for the society as such. Therefore the vision includes setting up a cooperation-network with a wider range of governmental and non governmental institutions to bundle energies and enhance sustainability and efficiency.
Contact Info

Head of Psychology Department
- Ms. Sek Sisokhom
- Tel: (855)12 841 332
- Email: mpsychology.info(at)rupp.edu.kh
- Email: ss_sokhom@yahoo.com
Student Life

Foreign students who are interested in studying in Cambodia should first approach their national government. read more...