Ms. Samreth Sothea, Head of Department : M.A. in Linguistics, RUPP, 2005 ; Preliminary Masters (Research Methodologies and Practice), RUPP, 1997; B.A. in Khmer Literature, RUPP, 1995 .
Dr. Ouk Diven : Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics, De La Salle University, The Philippines, 2009 ; M.A. in Linguistics, Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University, Russia, 1997; B.A. in Linguistics and Communication, Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University, Russia, 1996.
Mr. Ith Sothea : M.A. in Sociology and Anthropology, RUPP, 2006 ; B.A. in Khmer Literature, RUPP, 1996 .
Dr. Non Dara : Ph.D. (Linguistics) 2011, France; M.A. in Linguistics, France.
Part Time Professor
Dr. Chan Somnoble : Ph.D. in (Sciences du Language), Universite de Paris X, Nanterre (France), 1998.
Dr. Prum Moal : Ph.D. in General Linguistics, France, 1976
Dr. Hean Sokhom : Ph.D. in Linguistics, Russia, 1992.
Dr. Neou Sun : Ph.D. in Philology, Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences, Russia, 1992
Dr. Khing Hoc Dy : Ph.D. in Khmer Literature and Sciences and Humainity, Incharge of the Research at L'INALCO; France, 1995.
Dr. Penn Setharin : Ph.D in Anthropology and Linguistics, Japan, 2009
Dr. Thong Thel : Ph.D. in Education, Monash University, Australia, 1999
Dr. Moa Sokan : Ph.D. in Linguistics, Hanoi University, 1968.
Dr. Jean Michel Fillipi : Ph.D. in Linguistics, Paris III, France, 1988
Ph.D. in Linguistics, Paris III, France, 1988 : Ph.D. in Linguistics, France
Prof. Maurice Eisenbruch : M.D. in Child Psychiatry, University of Melbourne 1982; M.Phil. in Anthropology, University of Cambridge, 1982 ; M.Ed.Stud. in Education, Monash University, 1984 ; D.P.M. in Psychiatry, University of Melbourne, 1976 ; M.B. and B.S. in Medicine and Surgery, University of Melbourne, 1982. A.F.B.Ps.S, M.A.P.S., Cert. Child Adolesc. Psych., F.R.C.Psych, F.R.A.N.Z.C.P.
Dr. Chhany Sak-Humphry : Ph.D. in Linguistics: Syntax, University of Hawai'i at Mānoa, USA, 1996
Dr. Sylvain Vogel : Ph.D. in Linguistics, France
Mr. Oc Chourn : M.A. in Linguistics, Vietnam, 1984.
Mr. Vong Sotheara : M.A. in Sociology-Anthropology, RUPP, 2006
Contact Info

- Prof. Samreth Sothea
- Tel: (855) 11-874-655
- Email:
- Email:
- Office: Room # 219b, Campus I

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