Cooperation and Efforts

Our faculty members strive to provide excellent education by conforming to the international standards through the following efforts:
Cooperation with international universities in Japan, Europe and USA. Universities which are in cooperation with us for this Program include Group T, International University College Leuven (Belgium), Waseda University (Japan), Dresden University of Technology (Germany), IWR Heidelberg University (Germany), Pace University (USA). Furthermore, as a member of ASEAN University Network and having MoU's with many international universities around the world, we are ready to further our cooperation to ensure that the education quality is recognized internationally.
Cooperation with private companies, both local and international. We are committed to building relations and cooperation with industries so that our students will have chances to experience the actual works and to be exposed to job opportunities from our industry partners.
Establishment of laboratories fully equipped with high-tech computers and network equipment for experiments and practices.
Development of curriculum co-designed with the university partners with an emphasis on building research and professional skills for our students.
Contact Info

Program Director:
- Name: Mr. Srun Sovila
- Email:
- Tel: (+855) 12 894-325, 096 6894-325
- Room #103, STEM Building, Campus I
Student Life

Foreign students who are interested in studying in Cambodia should first approach their national government. read more...