Vision and Mission

Create high-performing, motivated educators and leaders, in governmental, civil society, and private sectors, who are actively engaged in the development of Cambodia and committed to reflective, transformative and responsible global citizenship.
The Mission of the Philosophy Master of Arts program at the Royal University of Phnom Penh is:
Develop in students the philosophical knowledge, critical thinking skills, ethical values, and intellectual disposition to be transformational educators and leaders with a clear vision, intellectual creativity, and ethical influence;
Strengthen students’ ability to recognize various problems in human life and society, and cultivate the skills to find appropriate means for solving those problems;
Demonstrate high professional career development for successful individual in certain types of professions; or doctoral degree in abroad
Contact Info

Program Coordinator:
- Dr. Saphon Somolireasmey
- Tel: (855) 12 250 368
(855) 69 777 855 - Email:
- Office: Campus II
Assistant to the Program:
- Prof. Mech Samphors
- Tel: (855) 12 581 106
- Email:
- Address: Office of MA in Philosophy (Room: 111), Royal University of Phnom Penh (Campus 2)

For students who are looking for a scholarship, RUPP provides a number of sources of scholarships. read more...