Course Description
SW2101. Introduction to Social Work
This course introduces students to concepts, philosophy, research methods in and the development of social welfare. Students will learn how to view the various welfare issues in the society with previously learnt knowledge on social welfare.
SW2102. Human Behavior and Social Environment
This course teaches theories of human behavior and social environment that are fundamental to social work practice. Topic include human development focused on person in environment perspective; social and ecological systems; life course development; stress, coping, and adaptation; and culture and gender.
SW2103. Foundation of Social Work Practice
This course equips students with social work methods as a generalist. Students will learn basic theories of social work practice. Students will also develop their assessment and intervention skills, strategies for developing resources, advocacy, case management, and evaluation.
SW2104. Social Welfare Policy
This study provides students with various methodological, theoretical approaches to social policy among Western and Asian countries. It is important to understand each country’s policy trends along with their historical and socio-economic changes. Students can learn what the welfare state means and how to differentiate between the most preferable welfare policies in Cambodia and those of other advanced welfare states. By understanding the changes and development of policies in advanced welfare states, students can gain some perspective on how to best facilitate social welfare practice.
SW2201. Research Methods for Social Work
The research methods course is designed to give students a general overview of the research process. The course exposes students to the basic stages of the research process beginning with defining research questions, developing data collection forms, conceptualizing research designs, and summarizing findings into finished reports.
SW2202. Social Work with Children and Youth
This course cultivates a social worker's capacity in child and youth welfare by studying the theoretical background and practice methods to improve the understanding of child and youth welfare. The course includes an understanding of fundamental concepts and values, history, policy and institutions, clients and associated services, practice methods, and skills in relation to social work with children and minors.
SW2203. Community Organization and Development
This course examines the relationship between localization and community social welfare, as well as current development in rural areas. It is aimed at exploring ways through which social welfare practices meet the needs of residents in rural areas. In particular, discussion focuses on community development, resource utilization, and poverty, as well as the children, disabled, and elderly who need care-giving services. The development of social welfare policies and services geared toward these target populations will be discussed in depth.
SW2204. Ethics and Human Rights in Social Work
This course teaches how to coordinate and integrate social work values, philosophy with practice ethics, and human rights. Students are encouraged to discuss ethical issues they have experienced in the field, to analyze case materials, and to exercise problem-solving skills. This in turn will equip students with a more effective approach to ethical conflicts, particularly in terms of advocacy. The course also includes theories, types, justification, and criticism of human rights etc. With this understanding, the students will learn how to see and reframe human rights violations in daily life.
SW2205. Advanced Field Practicum Ⅰ
This course is designed to provide students with an opportunity to apply practice theories learned in class in a real agency setting. Learning focuses of the practicum include (1) methods of direct service to clients - casework, group work, and community organization; (2) knowledge and differential use of community resources; (3) jobs akin to agency administration - policy, planning, budgeting, staffing, etc.; and (4) tools related to administration – the writing of reports, letters, accounting, the use of research findings, conducting meetings, etc.
SW2301. Social Work Counseling & Crisis Intervention
This course focuses on the understanding and application of social work theories and models for individual clients. This includes concepts and techniques of cognitive behavior therapy, rational emotive behavioral therapy, task-centered therapy, solution-focused brief family therapy, and psychotherapy. Crisis theories and intervention strategies will also be discussed. It teaches methods and skills in the intervention of PTSD, natural disasters such as tsunamis, and other types of crises such as suicide, rape, family violence, substance abuse, and loss.
SW2302. Program Development and Evaluation
This course introduces theories and strategies in each stage of social welfare program development from need assessment through program design to evaluation. This course aims to enable students to review the current social welfare program with critical perspective. It also aims to make students to develop their own program and practice it in the social welfare fields as well as evaluate the outcome and output of practiced program.
SW2303. Social Science Statistics
This is a sequential course on social statistics. Before taking this course, students have to take “statistics for social workers” and need to understand basic statistical theories and multiple regression. Major topics are logistic regression, path analysis, structural equation model, hierarchical linear model and survival analysis.
SW2304. Case Management
The course introduces different procedures and skills for the students to coordinate all the helping activities on behalf of the given clients. It makes it possible for the students to coordinate the services for the given clients, to monitor the progress of clients, to involve multi-dimensional comprehensive assessments, and to work in multi-dimensional settings. The course aims to help students acquire a better understanding of how to manage cases from intake to termination as well as follow-ups.
SW2305. Leadership and Management of Human Service Organizations
This course focuses on social work management practices and leaderships required in the development and management of human service organizations. Course content includes theories of leadership and organization, strategic management, human resource management, financial management, managing volunteers, media relationships and marketing, and conflict resolution and decision making.
SW2401. Public Health in Social Work
The purpose of this course is to provide students with an overview of the field of public health and an opportunity to develop skill in needs assessment and program planning. This course also aims to enable students to enhance the quality of social workers in community public health field.
SW2402. Poverty and Income Maintenance
This course is designed to provide students with an opportunity to understand income maintenance policies to prevent poverty. Social security systems, public assistance support and various active employment policies for low-income individuals and families are discussed.
SW2403. Social Work Practice with Family
This course identifies family related issues in modern society. It introduces theories of family development and family process; family life cycle; family functioning. It also teaches methods and skills to deal with those issues. It covers social institutions and services to promote healthy family.
SW2404. Social Work for People with Disabilities
This course is to analyze services related to the disabled people, to examine various arguments and to seek alternatives that improve well-being for the disabled people. Concepts of social integration and normalization are examined and connected to practical approaches for actualizing such principles.
Contact Info

Acting Program Coordinator:
- Mr. Kim Sovan Kiry
Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities - Tel: (855) 12 822-049
- Email:
- Email: kim.sovankiry(at)
- Office: RUPP Campus II

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