Course Description
TESOL 2001 Introduction to Research Methodology
A special course designed to provide students with foundational knowledge and concepts in research methodology, including distinctions between qualitative and quantitative research, research problem, research hypotheses and questions, variables, study designs, and research proposal writing.
TESOL 2002 Advanced Research in Second Language Acquisition
The course aims to introduce to students core research designs, statistical tools, and both qualitative and quantitative data analyses which are frequently utilized in a number of research studies in the field of linguistics, language education, second language acquisition and TESOL related issues. Quantitative statistical analysis including chi-square, three types of t-tests, correlation, ANOVA, multiple regressions, and qualitative data coding will be covered.
TESOL 2003 Teaching Methodology
The course is an advanced path to teaching methodology for TESOL covering all vital aspects in teaching and learning English in general. More relevant, effective and integrated approaches, methods and techniques to teaching English as well as critically examining theoretical foundations of current and future practices in the realm of teaching English as a second/foreign language will be introduced. The course provides the participants with a wide-range investigation of practical language teaching alternatives, which firmly anchors in accepted principles of language teaching and learning. The participants take part in vigorous discussions of the contemporary teaching and learning theories and they directly join professional training in designing and implementing various teaching concepts and theories in Cambodian context. The course incorporates various communicative learning activities such as self-reflection and critique, open forum, and teaching demonstrations.
TESOL 2004 Theories and Practices in Applied Linguistics
This is an overview of different aspects contribute to the possibility of language in general before focusing on human language in particular. The course will then inform learners of different elements of language (i.e., morphemes, phonemes, syntax, pragmatics, semantics, etc.). The course will also introduce the notions of language acquisition (both L1 and L2). Ultimately, learners will be able to apply their understanding about all the studied language components into language teaching and learning.
TESOL 2005 Language Curriculum Design and Development
The course is designed to introduce EFL teachers and practitioners to the field of curriculum development. With an emphasis on English for Specific Purposes (ESP) which has become one of the most prominent areas of EFL teaching today, the course will equip learners with core theoretical concepts in designing a language course and provide them the opportunity to apply key processes of curriculum development in planning an ESP course.
TESOL 2006 Second Language Acquisition
The course deals with theories, principles, and current issues about Second Language Acquisition. The course covers foundations of Second Language Acquisition and relevant theories such as linguistic, psychological, and social-contextual approaches to Second Language Acquisition. Central to the course are discussions on current SLA research in various aspects drawing on research outcomes and research methodologies used in this field, and discussions on relevant Conditions for Second Language Learning, which provides more implications and theoretical guidelines for ELT classroom practices.
TESOL 2007 Phonetics and Phonology in Language Teaching
A broad overview of English phonetics and phonology related to English pronunciation instruction, and how this knowledge can be applied to an EFL classroom setting are the main focus of the course. Students will gain practical, hands-on experience with the sounds and sound systems of English through a combination of lectures, discussions, and assignments, all with the aim of preparing them to integrate pronunciation instruction into their current or future English classrooms. Students will acquire and develop practical strategies and activities for teaching a variety of pronunciation lessons, including phonemes, stress, intonation, and other phonological elements related.
TESOL 2008 Language Assessment
The course aims to build on the current and prior experiences of educators to extend their knowledge and enhance their ability to use classroom-based language assessment effectively. In particular this course aims to provide educators with solid foundation knowledge and skills in using assessments to enhance their instruction and foster students’ learning required in the twenty-first century in various language learning settings and programs. It is intended to provide an opportunity for educators to consider the design and use of assessments for a range of purposes and needs and to critique and analyse assessment strategies and practices.
TESOL 2009 Grammar and Discourse (Functional Approach)
The course is designed to provide students with a systematic understanding of the main areas of grammar, including morphology, syntax, semantics, and stylistics, with the additional focus on syntactic theories for second language acquisition and genre analysis. The main topics include the role of grammar in language classrooms; analysis of spoken and written texts; and pragmatics and transfer. A range of descriptive and methodological approaches to the analysis of grammar and discourse are considered. Throughout the subject, material is drawn from different spoken and written varieties of English, including various regional and social varieties as well as Standard English.
TESOL Thesis
This course component provides students an opportunity to undertake the research based on their areas of interests. Topics cover a wide range including curriculum, second language acquisition, teaching and learning theories and practices, discourse analysis, language education management, assessment and other TESOL related issues. Moreover, students could apply all the research theories and elements learnt to the whole process of completing master thesis.
TESOL 2010 Seminar I
The seminar is organized to assist students in the process of writing a research proposal. It covers special issues of applied linguistics, language education and research proposal elements to broaden students’ knowledge in these fields to enable them write a good quality proposal paper.
TESOL 2011 Seminar II
This is an organized seminar to help students apply research elements and theories of applied linguistics and language education into practice. The contents cover research data analysis using both quantitative and qualitative approaches, research interpretation and discussion in relation to specific areas of the proposed fields.
TESOL 2012 Academic Writing for Graduate Studies
The course is designed to help fresh graduate students improve their ability to write academically for graduate coursework. It introduces them to new styles, registers, and genres in academic writing—ones which differ rather significantly from those in the undergraduate level. Areas of focus are the clear organization of ideas, the use of adequate coherence and cohesion within the text, and appropriate academic style through improved word choice, usage, and sentence structure, especially in the accurate use of grammar, punctuation, and citation. This course is not about research skills or methodologies, but skills that help enhance students’ capacity to properly and strategically approach and conduct research in many possibly helpful ways.
TESOL 2013 Advanced Academic English
This is a preliminary subject which aims to improve student’s English proficiency to prepare them to undertake different tasks at a graduate level.
TESOL 2014 Psychology for Language Learning
The course aims to introduce to students numerous psychological theories that can be applied to the teaching and learning of foreign languages. Understanding the role of how people learn constitutes the core component of this course. The course endeavours to establish a link between learning a foreign language and the field of psychology.
TESOL 2015 Sociolinguistics in Language Teaching
The course is designed to provide an overview of sociolinguistic theories and methodologies, with special emphasis on their applicability to language teaching and education, particularly in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) contexts and communities. Topics include sociolinguistic approaches to bilingualism and second language learning, language variation and diversity, language and interaction, and language and culture.
TESOL 2016 English Language Teaching Management
The course is divided into three parts. The first part attempts to provide ELT educators with general theories of organization and management and invites them to apply the learned theories to analyze the organization and management practice in their own institutions, as well as its suitability for organization. The second part argues for the role of leadership as a significant contribution, besides management role, to bring about optimal results in the ELT institutions, and equips ELT educators with knowledge of different models of leadership styles that can be adapted to suit their own organizations. The last part aims to provide ELT educators, regardless of their roles as managers and/or leaders, with knowledge of common functions and skills that they need to perform in schools. The course ends with discussions on such common issues including quality schools, school effectiveness, school improvement, and management/leadership challenges.
TESOL 2017 Language and Culture in Contact
This subject is intended for those who are new to the field of linguistics. It provides an overview of the field in general especially in regard to pure linguistics, applied linguistics and general linguistics. Pure linguistics contains fundamental studies of language structures which include syntax, semantics, morphology, phonetics, and phonology. Applied linguistics covers the psychological aspects of language acquisition and language processing. Finally, the general linguistics is meant to give a bigger picture of languages in terms of its existence in human society and how it evolves over time. The subject will not go into too much technical aspects of language and the book itself is written in a way that general audience can also find it comprehensibly accessible.
TESOL 2018 Language Planning and Language Policy
This course covers not only about language learning imposed by economic or political agendas, but also language choices entered into freely for reasons of social mobility, economic advantage or group identity. The course is divided into three parts. The first part reviews the development and role of standard languages in the construction of national communities and identities. The second part examines the linguistic accommodation of groups in contact, major lingua francas and the case of international English. The third part explores reactions to nationalism and globalization, with some attention to language rights.
TESOL 2019 Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL)
Technology has revolutionized teaching and learning processes in ESL classrooms. Computer-assisted Language Learning (CALL) course explores the potentials of different types of technology from basic computer applications to advanced online learning in order to help students design and deliver effective learning materials. The course will also discuss and analyze the impacts of educational technology and how technology can be integrated into language learning to enrich ESL students’ learning experience.
TESOL 2020 Teaching of Literature in a Second/Foreign Language
This course introduces issues of and approaches to using literature with language learners in language classrooms – the cultural, the personal growth, and the language models, each of which has its own theoretical bases and principles serving as guidelines for language teachers who teach literature in ESL/EFL context. Central to this discussion are reading texts related to the teaching of literature and English language to non-native speakers. The course has been divided into three parts, all of which are interrelated. The first part deals with approaches to teaching literature in ESL/EFL classrooms; the second part introduces critical theories necessary for interpreting literary texts and teaching of literature; and the last part explores approaches to teaching reading including questioning strategies, critical reading strategies, and the like, and some examples of materials design for teaching literature in ESL/EFL classrooms.
TESOL 2021 Bilingualism
The course is designed for students to basically characterize key aspects of the most important and influential contributions on bilingualism and bilingual education. It provides an overview of principles, theories and studies on bilingual domain, followed by the implication for classroom practices based on political influences on the education sector.
TESOL 2022 Media and Literacies
This course is designed to gain insights into issues of language and literacy around new media. Along with other theories, the “Multi-literacies” theory of literacy will be introduced in this course. It also focuses on current trends in literacy instruction in language arts or composition classes as well as academic literacies across various curriculum areas. Moreover, it will investigate the implications of new media of language and literacy and explore the implications of development in the contemporary media, particularly the new, digital media in connection with language teaching and learning.
TESOL 2023 Teaching Practice
Students undertake eight-week supervised teaching practice and observation in the sector in which they wish to qualify, together with peer observations and school-based field work. Teaching practice incorporates appropriate modeling of the target language, both spoken and written; the design, implementation and evaluation of lessons and units of work for students at a variety of language levels, the adaptation of existing materials and development of original work to meet student needs and interests; the evaluation and development of appropriate TESOL programs, including needs analysis, syllabus design, program organization and evaluation; the monitoring, documentation and reporting of students’ language development; the establishment of collaborative relationship with other staff members and self-reflection and critical evaluation of one’s own practice.
Contact Info

Course Coordinator:
- Mr. Chan Sophal (1998): M.Ed (Educational Psychology), University of Hawaii, USA 2004; B.Ed (TEFL), RUPP 1998.
- Tel: (855) 23-885-419
- Fax: (855) 23-884-154
- Email:
- Office: Room 1.10, 1st Floor, Building E, Institute of Foreign Languages

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