Course Description
MTR101 French Language
Mr. Louis ARSAC, Mr. PHOEUNG Kompheak
This is an intensive, 48-hour course which helps students improve their knowledge and understanding of the French language. Students learn about and improve their French grammar, including verbal structures which are commonly used in writing academic essays and professional reports. Students then build their understanding of Comparative Linguistics, following the Saussurian theory. As part of this endeavor, students explore a certain number of word categories in several languages, including Khmer, French, English and Sanskrit. Through this, students come to understand that a term in one language is a unique element, with a unique matrix of semantic aspects. By studying this aspect of linguistic theory, students are able to draw conclusions about the role of the translator, and think through the problems that translators commonly deal with.
MTR102 Khmer Language
Mr. SAMRETH Sothea
Mastering one's own language is essential for translation. This Khmer improvement course, taught by a lecturer from the Department of Khmer Literature, aims to improve native Khmer speakers' skills, building their knowledge of grammar, parts of speech, spelling, technical words, words with roots in Pali and Sanskrit, using words in their correct context, sentence structures, and Khmer expressions.
MTR103 English Language
Mr. NITH Bunlay
This course builds students' proficiency in English. Students build skills in using English, and confidence in listening, speaking, reading and writing in correct English sentences. The course covers elements of English grammar, including parts of speech and sentence structures, before moving to cover more advanced grammatical skills. Students undertake practice exercises and learning activities, and are encouraged to read extensively in English, thus building their vocabulary, reading skills and other receptive and productive skills.
MTR 104 Intercultural Aspects
Mr. Sylvain VOGEL
In this course, students learn about those aspects of society, history and culture that impact upon translations. Students learn about language and perceptions of reality, the relationships between signifier, signified and reference, and the concept of double articulation. The entire course takes place in both Khmer and French, thus leading to a general reflection of the process of translating.
MTR105 Acquisition of Thematic Knowledge
Mr. IM Lim
This course deals with the process of translating documents in specialized fields. Students acquire basic knowledge of a specialized domain, and learn the necessary jargon and technical terms they will need to translate in that domain, in both French and Khmer. In doing so, students discover the structure and functions of specialized language, and explore methods of translating specialized texts correctly.
MTR201 Theory of Translation
Mr. IM Lim
This course covers the history of translation, including major theories of interpretation and transcoding that have been dominant over time. Students become familiar with the current state of research in the fields of linguistics and translation, and build their understanding of the field from a theoretical perspective.
MTR202 Translating from French to Khmer
Mr. MAO Bunneang
In this course, students practice the theoretical knowledge and skills they have learnt in other courses, practicing their capacity to translate documents and texts from French into Khmer.
MTR203 Translating from Khmer to French
Mr. CHHIV Yiseang
In this course, students practice the theoretical knowledge and skills they have learnt in other courses, practicing their capacity to translate documents and texts from Khmer into French.
MTR204 English for Translation
Mr. KHIEV Khemara
This course improves students' proficiency in English, to allow them to translate from English into Khmer. Students compare and contrast the grammatical structures of both languages, seeking patterns and contradictions. Students carry out various classroom translating exercises, gaining experience in practical translation. Throughout this course, students also build their knowledge of technical English and Khmer vocabulary, phrases and sentences.
MTR205 Translating English to French
Ms. Christine DURIEUX, Ms. Marie CAILLAT
This course, taught by a visiting French professor, consists of various practical translation exercises, designed to raise students' familiarity with various techniques of European-language translation.
MTR206 Khmer, French and English Terminology
Mr. SOK Lim Srorn
In this course, students explore the process of translation, from receiving a brief, collecting source documents, through the translation, to testing one's translation and disseminating the document. Students also build their knowledge of Khmer, French and English vocabulary in the specialized fields of sports, cuisine, education, mechanics, medicine and law.
MTR301 Didactics of Translation
Ms. Christine DURIEUX, Mr. MAO Bunneang
In this course, students examine the process of teaching, and how it relates to the field of translation. Students examine various pedagogical philosophies, learn to use various materials to boost student learning, and explore the methods by which the process of translation can be taught.
MTR302 Initiation to Interpretation
Mr. CHHIV Yiseang, Ms. Sarah OLIVEIRA
This practical course challenges students' abilities to translate in various contexts. Students translate from spoken sources, attempting both simultaneous and consecutive translations from recordings of actual speech. Students also practice their skills in a professional environment, acting as interpreters at university and public events including graduation ceremonies, seminars and symposiums. They therefore practice their sight and conference interpretation skills and build their ability to remember and translate long sentences through a specialized note taking practice.
MTR303 Audio Visual Translation
Mr. LIM Bun Hok
In this course, students learn about translating for television and radio programs. Topics covered include doubling and post-synchronization, cinematic scenarios, documentary scenarios, and various genres of television, radio and film.
MTR304 Literary Translation
Mr. PHOEUNG Kompheak, Ms. Marie CAILLAT, Mr. Louis ARSAC
In this course, students learn to translate literary works from French into Khmer. As part of this, they practice translating novels, plays, essays, news articles and other types of tale, following current theories of literary translation. Students also explore various methods of literary translation, and learn to manage the challenges of literary translation, including raising the quality of the translation to a literary level, and following the correct process for a translating project, from receiving the document to be translated through to the deadline.
MTR305 Translation in Law, Business, Politics and Diplomacy
Mr. IM Francois
In this course, students learn the vocabulary and explore the special ethical challenges presented to a translator working in the fields of law, business, politics and diplomacy. They also practice translating various texts from these professions, including laws, treaties, speeches, royal decrees, sub decrees, verdicts, statements of law, contracts, investment projects and reports, official letters and press releases.
MTR306 Interpreting Scientific Texts
Mr. NITH Bunlay, Mr. SOK Lim Srorn
This course trains students to translate all types of scientific texts, paying special attention to the challenges which translating scientific and specialized texts can present. Students learn about the problems associated with working within a specialized vocabulary, learn to translate scientific words and texts, and address specific issues of specific word selection. Students also learn about translating research documentation and references in original texts, thus preparing themselves for future work in this field.
MTR401 Internship
Each student must complete an internship at an approved translation company, where they will undertake translation of French and English newspapers, as well as day-to-day translation work. Throughout their internship, students record and analyze their experiences, and compile an internship report upon completing their placement.
MTR402 Thesis
As part of the requirements for the Master of Science in Translation degree, students complete an original research thesis into some aspect of translation as an academic discipline or as a professional practice. The thesis follows academic conventions, and requires the student to apply both theoretical and practical modes of thought to their research topic. The thesis allows students to build a personal research profile, and to reach their own conclusions about the process of translation. Once the thesis is completed, students must submit and defend it to fulfill the requirements of their degree.
Contact Info
- Course Coordinator: N/A
- Tel: N/A
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