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Southeast Asian Countries


General Information

World Fact Book

This website provides general information about the Philippines in various aspects such as population, flag, and geography.

Embassy of Philippines to Cambodia

This site is an official website of Embassy of Philippines to Cambodia. It updates on embassy’s activities in promoting the bilateral relations.

Embassy of Cambodia to Philippines

This site is a link of Embassy of Cambodia to Philippines. It contains several information such as email, contact details, and contact person.

State Institutions

Department of Agrarian Reform

This department focuses on Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP), land tenure improvement, development of program beneficiaries, land survey, and land management studies.

Department of Agriculture

This department focuses on two main goals: (1) to develop at least two million hectares of new land for agribusiness and (2) to reduce costs of wage goods through productivity enhancement, more efficient logistics, and improved retailing linkages.

Department of Budget and Management

This department focuses on budget management, funds appropriations, and allowances.

Department of Education

This department focuses on developing human resource through assisting the Filipino children to discover their full potentials and to prepare them to become responsible citizens and enlightened leaders.

Department of Energy

This department focuses on energy resources, alternative fuels, energy efficiency, electric power, downstream oil and natural gas, and the environment. Most importantly, the site also included statistics and price.

Department of Environment and Natural Resource

This department focuses on conservation, management, development, and proper use of the country’s environment and natural resources.

Department of Finance

This Department focuses on internal revenue, customs, treasury, commissions, national tax research, export and import, government insurance policy, and cooperative development.

Department of Foreign Affair

This department consisted of various information related to visas, passports, foreign embassies, consulates, posts, travel advisories, and foreign service officer applications.

Department of Health

This department is consisted of advisories, policies and laws, programs, knowledge of products, reforms, and events.

Department of Justice

This department aims to promote effective, speedy and compassionate administration of justice.

Department of Labor and employment

This department aims at improving and promoting gainful employment opportunities, developing human resources, protecting workers, promoting their welfare, and maintaining industrial peace.

Department of National Defence

This department deals with army, navy, air force, and military allies around the world.

Department of Public Works and Highways

This department focuses on ensuring the safety of all infrastructure facilities and security for all public works and highways, and the highest efficiency and quality of construction.

Department of Science and Technology

This department’s main responsibilities are providing central direction, leadership, and coordination of all science and technology activities in the country as well as formulating policies, programs, and projects in support of national development priorities.

Department of Social Welfare and development

This website provides information related to social protection as well as the rights and welfare of the poor, vulnerable and the disadvantaged people.

Department of Tourism

This department’s website provides statistics of tourists in the country along with the promotions and updated information for travellers.

Department of Trade and Industry

This department serves as coordinating agency for all government activities related to trade, industry, and investments. Moreover, it also acts as a promotional machinery for further trade and investments. Finally, it is the regulatory body to ensure that fair competition prevails.

National Commission for Culture and Fine Arts

This commission deals with formulating policies for the development of culture and the arts, coordinating, and implementing the overall policies and programs of attached agencies on the development of culture and arts.

History, Culture, Religion and Language


A Philippine Leaf
This website contains an overview of the studies related to Philippines’ ancient inscription.


Filipino and Philippine Literature Program (University of Hawai'i-Manoa)
The site provides an overview of the courses on Philippines’ language and literature at the University Hawai’i-Manoa.


Reisenett Historical Maps of Asia
This website contains ancient maps of East, South, and Southeast Asia.


Tagalog Writing System by Omniglot
This site focuses on Tagalog writing systems and its script.

Political System, Economic Trends and Social Affairs


Chan Robles Virtual Law Library
This site is consisted of online information on legal issues and law documents of the Philippines.


IBON Foundation Inc
It contains online publications, press releases, book reviews and important statements related to socio-economic issues of the Philippines.


Human Rights Watch
News, reports, and publications related to human rights in Philippines are posted here.


Philippine Daily Inquirer

This official news website of the Philippine Daily Inquirer gains popularity in providing local news.

Philippines Times

This news site provides English news for both local and international stories.

Philippine News.com

This news site is a weekly newspaper.

Research Institutions

Asia Foundation for the Philippines

This website focuses on information of the Asia Foundation’s projects in Philippines related to economic reform, anti-trafficking, transparent accountable governance, judicial reform, peace and education.

Asian Development Bank (ADB), Philippines

This site stores reports on development projects in Philippines.

Association of Southeast Asia Nation (ASEAN)

This website focuses on activities of Philippines government and ASEAN.

International Monetary Fund in the Philippines

This website contains online paper and report on Philippines.

Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS)

This research institute assists the government of the Philippines with policy making and development plans through online research papers and publications.

USAID in Philippines

This institution focuses on strengthening the foundation for peace and development in conflict-affected areas of Mindanao, governing justly and democratically, improving health system and education quality, improving economic growth, and giving humanitarian assistance.

Contact Info

Director of CSEAS

Phone: (+855)92 660 997
Email: info.cseas@rupp.edu.kh
Address: Russian Federation Boulevard, P.O. Box 416, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Student Life

Foreign students who are interested in studying in Cambodia should first approach their national government. read more...