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Assignment does and doesn't

Preparation of Assignments

You should allow yourself at least one week to prepare for an assignment.

  • Read the topic/question carefully and if uncertain ask your lecturer or fellow students for clarification.
  • Note the particular requirements of the assignment especially genre, length and due date.
  • Think and read about the topic well before you write and make notes as you read.
  • Collect information and brief quotations by always noting book names and authors for use in your essay footnotes and bibliography.
  • Reread your assignment and edit it carefully before making a final copy for submission.

Presentation of Assignments

Neat, clear assignments are expected from all students.

  • Always write or type clearly and legibly in black or blue.
  • If you write by hand, use line notebook paper with straight edge. Always leave margins on both sides free for comments by lecturers.
  • Complete, check and hand in your assignment by or on the due date.

Grading of Assignments

All major assignments will receive a score or grade.

  • Each lecturer might have his or her own style of marking but all lecturers will give you a numerical mark. Care will be taken to maintain consistency of marking and weighting of assignments in any one subject across a year level.
  • Class participation, assignment and test marks will form the basis of the mid semester feedback given on your progress as well as of the final 'on going assessment'.
  • Marking penalties will apply if you do not hand in an assignment on time unless illness or other emergencies occur. In those cases, you must bring a note of explanation to your lecturer.

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