Course Description
WHC101: World History and Civilization
World History and Civilization is the story of great human adventures, their cultural development and their achievements in human history. World History and Civilization provides a variety of knowledge to students from religious ideas to scientific achievements. This course focuses on the development of academic English to understand major world civilizations chronologically. It starts from the development of Egypt Civilization, Sumerian Civilization, Indus Civilization, Chinese Civilization, and the Mayan Civilization, which are considered to be the predecessors of later development. This course also emphasizes the building of these major civilizations as well as their achievements in the fields of religion, literature, science and technology.
HPT101: History of Political Thoughts
This course provides a critical introduction to the development of the political theory and the predominant ideas of political philosophers of each era. History of Political Thoughts aims not only to examine questions raised on the creation of social and political order, but also to offer a variety of knowledge to the students pertinent to democracy, justice, legitimacy, equality, liberty, sovereignty, and the proper relationship of the individual to the state. This course emphasizes how political thinkers have responded to a particular problem of various political regimes and philosophical approaches at their time and how they can contribute to a critical perspective and understanding of the impact of the ideas and strategies on the contemporary politics. Political philosophers include but not limited to Plato, Aristotle, Machiavelli, Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Marx, and Tocqueville.
KRH101: Khmer and Regional History
The aim of this subject is to increase students’ understanding of Cambodia’s unique national identity through its history, which is one of the oldest in Southeast Asia and of the development of the histories of other countries in the region through interaction with outsiders, political tendencies and acculturation as well as cultural transformation. Students will examine, discuss and analyze the roles of two great civilized countries in Asia, India and China, in influencing the region in ancient times; how certain countries in the region emerged and developed their ancient and modern states before and after the emergence of Western Superpower; and the rise in nationalism in Southeast Asia during and after World War II.
AMS101: Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Modern technology yields large amounts of data that can be well understood with the help of statistics. The main objective of this subject is to provide an accessible introduction to statistics. It starts with the concept of data, what it is, and how it can be collected and summarized. There is a brief review of the basic concepts of probability. Students will study important statistical tools and understand their use by solving specific applied problems.
AWR101: Academic Writing and Research in Social Science 1
This course is designed to develop students’ academic writing skills by having them engage in various academic writing activities such as writing paragraphs and essays, citing sources, quoting, referencing, paraphrasing, and summarizing. The course is primarily aimed to provide students with practical information about the essential conventions of academic writing and to improve students’ academic writing skills through frequent practice. The course places high emphasis on how to avoid plagiarism and how to write unified, cohesive, coherent, and adequately developed paragraphs and essays. This course also aims to introduce students to the key stages and writing process in social science research. Students have familiarized themselves with various qualitative and quantitative researches in social science by identifying a viable research question, research design, data collection and analysis, ethical issues of social science research, and a formal research proposal.
IPA102: Introduction to Public Administration and Public Policy
This introductory course aims to introduce first-year students to the basic concepts of public administration and public policy. The course helps students to be acquainted with the theoretical and practical knowledge of how to lead effectively and efficiently in public service delivery in various sectors. The course explores fundamental ideas on public administration and public policy within political, economic, social, and legal conditions in different contexts. It examines the causes of success and failure in governance and public administration. The course also introduces students to major challenges and issues occurred in public administration and critical perspectives on viable solutions for existing problems in public administration and public policy.
IPS102: Introduction to Political Science
This introductory course provides a critical overview of nature of politics and government in terms of how effective government and political institutions can be structured. The course aims to deepen students’ understanding of basic principles of political science and political theories and ideologies with an analysis of contemporary issues. Introduction to Political Science covers various topics with regard to the role and functions of state and government, various political regimes, changing nature of power, legitimate governance, constitutional design, institutions of government based on checks and balances system, policy formulation and implementation, political culture and political behavior, interest groups, political parties, electoral systems, and mass media.
CC102: Cambodian Constitutions
This course introduces first-year students to the Constitution of Cambodia. It provides a critical overview of the history of the establishment of Cambodian Constitutions. The preamble, state sovereignty, king institution, and basic structures of the Constitution will be discussed thoroughly. The course examines the fundamental rights and duties of Cambodian citizens, followed by a discussion of the political, economic, and social contexts in Cambodia and three branches of government. This course also focuses on some of the important sections including the administrative organization, constitutional council, and the revision and the amendment procedure of the constitution.
KC109: Khmer Civilization
Khmer Civilization is concerned with Khmer culture and how it has been influenced by foreign cultures since ancient time. Its themes include the relationships between Cambodian and foreign cultures, religions, architecture, arts, beliefs, and ritual ceremonies. It aims at helping students to appreciate Cambodian cultural identity and distinguish it from foreign cultural identities. In addition, students will learn how to spread Cambodian culture in the global context appropriately and know how to link it to some world and regional cultures. The course book is a collection of texts from various sources including Cambodian Culture and History and Cambodian and Indian Cultures.
AWR102: Academic Writing and Research in Social Science 2
This course is designed to develop students’ academic writing skills by having them engage in various academic writing activities such as writing paragraphs and essays, citing sources, quoting, referencing, paraphrasing, and summarizing. The course is primarily aimed to provide students with practical information about the essential conventions of academic writing and to improve students’ academic writing skills through frequent practice. The course places high emphasis on how to avoid plagiarism and how to write unified, cohesive, coherent, and adequately developed paragraphs and essays. This course also aims to introduce students to the key stages and writing process in social science research. Students have familiarized themselves with various qualitative and quantitative researches in social science by identifying a viable research question, research design, data collection and analysis, ethical issues of social science research, and a formal research proposal.
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