Facilities And Resources
One of the main objectives of all our programs is to encourage students’ independent learning. The Self-Access Centre (SAC) is an excellent place to provide the opportunity for this. The SAC is open from 7:30 am to 11:30 am and from 2:00 pm to 7:30 pm on weekdays and from 7:30 am to 11:30 am on Saturdays. The SAC assists you to overcome your language and content area difficulties. You can spend your free time reading books, magazines, periodicals and other reference materials. You can also have discussions with friends or sometimes with lecturers, listen to the radio or tapes, watch news or videos in English. The Teacher’s Reference Library (TRL) is for lecturers’ use only. And the MA section in the SAC is for MA students only. There is a separate section for the Department of International Studies.
Internet and word processing are available on the ground floor for free.
Students and lecturers have access to a wide range of resources in our Language Laboratory, which is funded by the Japanese government. These include video shows, slide and PowerPoint presentations, and listening-interpretation resources.
The main building of the Institute of Foreign Languages has been maintained in very good condition. And a new building has been constructed to accommodate the growing number of students and to provide more spacious premises for all. It is, therefore, very important that everyone take pride in the institute so that it can be kept in its present condition. It is expected that everyone using it will have respect for the property and consideration for others by looking after the building and its facilities. The following points must be observed:
1. Toilets
Use the toilets that are assigned for your use. Certain toilets are reserved for staff and for female students only. Please show consideration for others by using the facilities properly and making sure that you leave the toilet clean for the next person
2. Smoking
Smoking is not permitted anywhere inside the building.
3. Spitting
No spitting is allowed anywhere inside the building on the terraces.
4. Eating
Students are not permitted to consume any food, even chewing gums, in the classroom. Food must be consumed in the canteen behind the main building.
5. Rubbish
Always use the bins provided for rubbish. Please show responsibility and consideration for others by keeping all classrooms and common areas clean and tidy. To achieve this, you must use fewer tissues at the canteen and not write, draw or paint anything on the classroom or toilet walls, chairs, and tables.
6. Parking
Students are not permitted to park under the IFL main building or behind the CJCC Multi-purpose Hall. These areas are reserved for staff only. Secure parking for motorbikes is available behind Building B; and parking for cars is available behind Building A, in front of Building B, and behind Building C. If you use any other areas for parking, no responsibility will be taken for your vehicle and motorcycle/bicycle loss or damage. Please observe all traffic rules and follow all signs on the campus.
7. Property damage
All furniture and facilities are now in good condition. Please treat them with care and respect. Students who cause damage to them will be asked to pay the cost of replacement or repair.
Contact Info

Director of IISPP
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Student Life

Foreign students who are interested in studying in Cambodia should first approach their national government. read more...