Regular and Elective Courses
Regular courses are compulsory, while elective courses are optional. Credits earned from elective courses cannot be transferred to the regular courses.
Students are strongly encouraged to enroll in elective courses to better prepare themselves for the next-year level. Elective course credits will be included on academic transcripts.
I. Approaches and Issues Group
This group covers the respective history, development, related issues, as well as major philosophical, theoretical, and methodological approaches to the study of the area.
Courses under this group:
- WHC101 World History and Civilization
- HPT101 History of Political Thoughts
- AMS101 Applied Mathematics and Statistics
- IPS102 Introduction to Political Science
- AWR101&2 Academic Writing and Research in Social Science 1&2
- PS201 Introduction to Political Philosophy
- PS202 Introduction to Comparative Electoral Systems
- PS203 Theory of International Politics and Current Affairs
- PS205 Professional Communication
- PS207 Pathways to Public Service
- PS301 Political Thoughts and Ideologies
- PS303 Introduction to Research
- PS307 Comparative Politics
- PS308 Political Parties and Interest Groups
- PS309 Research Methods in Political Science
- PS409 Political Leadership
II. Cambodian History and Politics
Courses under this group:
- CC102 Cambodian Constitutions
- KC102 Khmer Civilization
- KHR101 Khmer and Regional History
- PS206 Cambodian Government and Politics
- PS406 Cambodian Foreign Policy
- PS410 Public Policy Analysis (Cambodia Focus)
III. CGovernance and Transnational Study Group
Courses under this group:
- PS204 Politics and Governments in Southeast Asia
- PS209 Critical Thinking for Global Affairs and Local Development
- PS210 ASEAN in Regional and Global Contexts/li>
- PS304 Good Governance in the 21st Century
- PS305 International Human Rights Law
- PS401 Foreign Policy and Diplomacy of Small States
- PS402 Governance Issues in Developing Countries/li>
- PS404 Conflict Resolution and Negotiation
- PS405 Western and Asian Political Systems
- PS408 Human Resource and New Public Management
IV. Political Economy and International Political Economy Group
This group offers students a deeper understanding of the changing dynamics of global economy, finance and trade. They are the basic building blocks for economic policy analysis and application to real international economic settings. This group also allows students to draw upon Cambodia’s relevant development and economic issues for class discussion and policy analysis.
Courses under this group:
- PS302 Politics of Economic Development
- PS310 International Political Economy (IPE)
- PS403 Politics and Economics of Globalization
V. Public Administration and Public Policy Group
Courses under this group:
- IPA102 Introduction to Public Administration and Public Policy
- PS208 Theory of Public Administration
- PS306 Ethics and Values in Public Policy
- PS407 Administrative Litigation and Law
VI. Elective Courses
- PS101 Geopolitics
- PS102 Thesis Writing Seminar
Contact Info

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Student Life

Foreign students who are interested in studying in Cambodia should first approach their national government. read more...