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Year Four Subject(Regular Program)

PS401: Foreign Policy and Diplomacy of Small States

This course aims at introducing students to the various methods by which foreign policies of states are analyzed and compared. It is divided into two parts. The first part examines theoretical approaches to foreign policy analysis. There are essentially three approaches to foreign policy studies. The course will examine: (a) studies that explain foreign policy at the level of individual policy makers; (b) studies that explain foreign policy in terms of factors at the level of domestic politics (including bureaucratic politics, domestic power politics, and national identity); and (c) studies that explain foreign policy at the level of international system.

PS402: Governance Issues in Developing Countries

This course equips students with theoretical and empirical knowledge of governance issues in developing countries. It is divided into two parts. In the first part of the course, students are familiarized with various major governance issues in developing countries. The themes covered in this course include inequality, human rights, gender, environment, development, etc. The second part of the course illustrates these issues with country-specific case studies from different parts of the world with a heavy focus on Southeast Asian countries.

PS403: Politics and Economics of Globalization

The course will allow students to grasp an understanding of ways to comprehend and explain diverse global political and economic policy conundrum, and to engage public policy debates on key issues facing the world today. The course will examine concepts, history, and theories of globalization – a complex notion which influences domestic and international political, economic and social life. The course will delve into analyzing economic, political and socio-cultural dimensions and exploring causes and effects of globalization. Students will attend to major debates and theories in relation to globalization through utilization of conceptual and analytical tools. Such tools also enable students to understand facets of globalization, its merits and shortcomings, and the ways in which they affect politics and decisions. The course permits students to learn various analytical framework to comprehend, explicate and question political and economic structure, namely constitutional democracy, market system, to name a few. This process will pave ways for students in their future career in the fields of public policy, public service, business, law, etc.

PS404: Conflict Resolution and Negotiation

This course surveys theoretical and empirical knowledge of conflict resolution. The first part of the course introduces the students to the field of conflict studies, which is rich in theoretical and methodological approaches. Next, students are engaged with a variety learning activities designed to help them understand and to explain the causes of conflict. The final part explores a variety of theoretical approaches and practical policy measures to resolve conflicts.

PS405: Western and Asian Political Systems

The course gives students an overview of analytical concepts and tools to explain political systems – democratic, non-democratic, and pseudo-democratic, amongst others. Focus is on institutions, political processes, leadership, and major public policy of earlier systems to shed light on the role history of socio-economic forces on evolution of various types of political systems in Western and Asian countries. This involves an application of concepts and theories in political science to analyze examples in Asia to illustrate typology, patterns and dynamisms.

PS406: Cambodian Foreign Policy

The course will enable students to explore history, traditions, approaches and theories of Cambodia in its foreign policy conduct. In addition to theoretical and analytical framework, students will examine empirical case of decision-making in selected circumstances. Students will explore the political processes whereby circumstances, priorities, actors, history, and power dynamics help shape and predict foreign policy decision, a foundation to critically explain how and why Cambodia’s foreign policy is made.

PS407: Administrative Litigation and Law

The course is designed to assist students in analyzing features of disputes between administrative authorities and citizens, and appropriate solutions to diffuse such tension. This will involve analysis of disputes stemming from exercising administrative jurisdiction by authorities, which requires an alteration of social-economic behaviors and positions of ordinary citizens. The course also explores value dilemma involved in political-economy calculus by the state, later trickling down to authorities, even in the face of stiff popular resistance; and coping mechanisms to refine a new social cohesion and order.

PS408: Human Resource and New Public Management

This course will expose students to theories, practices, and critical discussions in human resource management domain in both public and non-profit agency sector. It deals with the interconnection between human resource management and operational functions of organizations, which contributes to individual, work team, organizational and societal goals. Central to this is also an understanding of legal environment of human resource management in public, non-profit organization, and the employer’s responsibility to insure a safe and productive workplace. At its core, the course will discover the means by which public policy contentions and decisions shape the practice of human resource management in public and non-profit sector, which could be done through an application of analytical tools, techniques and problem-solving skills in the context of human resource management.

PS409: Political Leadership

The course will explore nuances of leadership: conceptions, power dynamics, skills, and competences. The course attempts to grasp challenges in setting political leadership and its essence in the conduct of politics. An understanding of the contexts and rationales in exercising hard and soft powers is fundamental. Through the process, students will also be equipped with necessary non-cognitive qualities to apply earlier toolkits in simulated political situations comprised of dilemma and stalemates.

PS410: Public Policy Analysis (Cambodia Focus)

This course centers on contestation of vested interests and clashing values in determining public policy decisions. It diagnoses the process whereby a public policy is usually formulated: setting goals; defining issue; proposing possible solution; evaluation of solution; to name a few. Students will gain the skills necessary to conduct policy researches and content writing, and to assess data and evidence that constitute the bulk of public policy making cycle. To enhance such cognitive qualities in empirical (Cambodian) contexts, students will also learn contextual process whereby policy analysis in government organization – such as non-profit organization and think tanks. Besides, students will also be able to practice the skill of communicating policy content and advocating the proposal across stakeholders in a simulation fashion.

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