Year Two Subject
PS201: Introduction to Political Philosophy
This course explores the central issues of political philosophy through the examination of some of the major political texts and thinkers of the Western political traditions. This course emphasizes the study of the nature and values of politics that deal with a critical discussion and examination of an ideal form of government. The course covers various substantive topics, including but not limited to democracy, justice, freedom, equality, political obligation, the ideals of citizenship, the challenges of cultural diversity, and the meaning and values of sovereignty and nationalism.
PS202: Political Psychology
Political Psychology aims to investigate a scientific study on the ways in which individuals’ attitudes are formed, how they influence political institutions, and vice versa. This course provides a conceptual overview of historical and contemporary examination of central issues and ideas in psychology towards political phenomenon. The course emphasizes theoretical arguments and empirical evidence used to describe and explain the factors and conditions that shape the political attitudes and behavior of the people. Students will be exposed to a variety of topics including political identities, political cultures, political preferences, leadership and persuasion, effective civic engagement, political ideologies, public opinion, voting, the roles and importance of mass media, individual and group decision making and the causes and effects of revolution.
PS203: Theories of International Politics and Current Affairs
This course is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of how the nature of international politics and current affairs can be described, explained, and interpreted. The course provides a well-rounded analysis of different frameworks that can be developed and applied to a particular dilemma of international politics and affairs. Moreover, students will become accustomed to a variety of theoretical perspectives and approaches employed to critically evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of various policy options that relevant legitimate actors come up with in international affairs.
PS204: Politics and Governments in Southeast Asia
This course explores contemporary dynamic politics of the eleven countries in Southeast Asia in a new international era following the end of the Cold War. Despite heavy load of region’s sensational headlines and stereotypical images, the current Southeast Asia populated by more than 600 million people has currently been experiencing unprecedented and dynamic political and socio-economic changes. Neo-paradigm of wealth and poverty; conflict over rights, identity, social justice, and particularly power; emergence of new actors advocating against the governments; centrality of ASEAN in the region and the world at large; and the like are emerging across the countries in Southeast Asia. Therefore, the interconnectedness between institutions and social groups, state-society relations and democracy, economy and development, and foreign relations of those eleven countries transforming the entire Southeast Asia has become a primary focus of international attention and thus has been recently subjected to careful scrutiny.
PS205: Professional Communication Skills
Given the critical importance of effective communication to enhance performance and productivity, both personally and professionally, this course aims to introduce students to fundamental principles of communication, and effective applications of communication. The principles to be discussed include, inter alia, communication cycles and barriers, six rules of effective message, communication by objective, and communication through technology. Subsequently, the course shifts to practical applications at workplace, namely job search skills, presentation skills and writing skills of memos, reports and proposals. Apart from literature, exercises and case studies are also integral parts of this course.
PS206: Cambodian Government and Politics
Cambodian Government and Politics walks students through the historical and contemporary examinations of politics and government in Cambodia. The course will introduce students to theatrical and practical perspectives on historical and contemporary examinations of political phenomenon in Cambodian context. The topics include but not limited to constitutional features, basic structure of government, the roles of government, democracy, relationship between state and citizens, political attitudes and behavior, political parties and interest groups, mass media, elections, public policy, and civil rights and political liberty. The students will not only gain a better social and political orientation but also develop ideal form of political civic culture conducive to stable democracy and effective civic engagement in response to any social issues based on political pragmatism.
PS207: Pathways to Public Services
This course is designed to introduce students to potential careers in public services. Students will obtain deep insights into the functions, roles, issues, policy challenges, and practical solutions that have been discussed in public organizations. The course equips students with necessary theoretical knowledge and transferable skills so that they can be ready for any public and community services. The course helps prepare students to contribute to socio-economic development in various levels and serve the best interests of people in the community, government, or non-profit organizations.
PS208: Theory of Public Administration
This course aims to introduce students to the theories and practices of public administration. The students will accumulate theoretical knowledge and practical applications of public management based on democratic values, transparency and accountability, and political capability and political participation in improving public service delivery and policy formulation and implementation. The course examines contemporary issues and perspectives on how government works and why they come up with certain political decisions and actions. In this connection, the course investigates the undermining and contributing factors that potentially lead to the failure or success in public administration.
PS209: Critical Thinking for Global Affairs and Local Development
This course is designed to improve students’ critical thinking and analytical skills by looking at global, regional and local affairs. To this end, the course includes several special features aiming at equipping students with necessary skills and knowledge such as critical thinking, logical fallacies, reasoning methods, rational judgment and more.
PS210: ASEAN in Regional and Global Contexts
ASEAN in Regional and Global Contexts looks at the situation in Southeast Asia during the Cold War period and the emergence of regionalization leading to the formation of ASEAN. It discusses the roles and functions of ASEAN, the impact of ASEAN in regional politics and economy, ASEAN’s norms and practice and the transformation of ASEAN in response to international, regional and sub-regional changes. Also, the engagement of ASEAN with the world’s major powers, regional groupings such as EU, and international institutions like UN will be discussed.
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Foreign students who are interested in studying in Cambodia should first approach their national government. read more...