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The word "Development" is heard from grassroots to top levels. But, the word is understood vaguely by many people and the knowhow is centered only among a handful of professionals. At the same time, the global perspective of development is to ensure that it meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

To many, poverty reduction largely depends on economic growth: "The rise of water will raise all of the boats." However, a school of thought of this path of growth is that it is at the expense of the environment and that it even pushes the poor into poverty trap. There is lots of evidence that demonstrates especially in developing countries that albeit the improvement in economic performance, the poverty rate does not decline that much and it even makes some poor.

Then, is there any solution to the dilemma? It is the role of Department of Economic Development, which shares and exchanges knowledge and skills about inclusive or equitable economic growth with students, lecturers, researchers and practitioners in the field of development.

Contact Info

Department Management:


Dr. Spoann Vin
HP: (855) 12 361 661

Deputy Head

Dr. Nop Sothun
Email: nop.sothun@rupp.edu.kh
HP: (855) 12 232 689
FB: https://web.facebook.com/RUPP.FDS
Location: Room #216B, Campus I, Russian Blvd.


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