Education is a lifelong process. System must be designed in such a way that an individual can start learning from the cradle to the grave, bearing in mind that the learning at different stages and settings requires different approaches of teaching and learning environment and support. Education is no longer defined to the just classroom settings. Lifelong Learning discussion started in the 1950s. However, attention to and progress on it has been remarkably slow due to poor recognition in and misunderstanding of its values in each context. The needs for introducing lifelong learning as a major of study at undergraduate and graduate level are no longer an issue. Developed and developing countries have increasingly paid attention to lifelong learning and integrated it into degree study. The Lifelong Learning Department aims to institutionalize this major of study in order to serve the diversified needs of education and training in a broader aspect of workplace and community in order to maximize the human capital in all corners of the society for economic growth.
Expected Learning Outcomes
Students who choose this major and successfully completed the program are expected to be able to:
- describe the theoretical and practical importance of lifelong education;
- critically analyze the concept, philosophy, and theory that govern the process and implementation of lifelong education;
- apply the principles and guidance to develop courses for lifelong education;
- compare the status of adult/lifelong learning across contexts;
- plan and manage lifelong learning courses/programs;
- monitor and evaluate lifelong learning courses/programs at different levels;
- identify and apply different tools of data collection in different situations to conduct assessment needs for lifelong education in the community and the work place;
- select and apply appropriate practical techniques to assess and evaluate the effectiveness of the lifelong education program;
- coordinate and communicate with various stakeholders to support lifelong education;
- analyze match or mismatch between knowledge and skills provided by the education program and those required by the job market; and
- build character and moral performances to work professionally, creatively and collaboratively.
Contact Info
Head of Department:
- Mr. MOEURN Chantrea
- Phone: (855) 77-716-289
- Email:
Student Life

Foreign students who are interested in studying in Cambodia should first approach their national government. read more...