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Head of Department

Mr. UK On Norong

(1991): B.Sc. (Biology), RUPP, 1991; M.Sc. (Biology), Ateneo de Manila University (Philippines), 2001.

Vice Head of Department

Mr. HAP Sophorn

(1996): B.Sc. (Biology), RUPP, 1995; Certificate of Teacher Training, Faculty of Pedagogy (Phnom Penh) 1996; Diploma in Microbiology and Biotechnology, Osaka University (Japan), 2001; Diploma of Applied Science in Microbiology, 2008; Master of Applied Science in Microbiology, Auckland University of Technology (New Zealand), 2010.

Mr. THAY Iengly

(1996): B.Sc. (Biology), RUPP, 1995; Certificate of Teacher Training, Faculty of Pedagogy (Phnom Penh), 1997; M.Ed. (Management), Norton University (Phnom Penh), 2010.

Staff of Department

Ms. Phoung Sok Ka

(1979): B.Sc., Kharkov University (Russia), 1987.

Ms. Lim Sidedine

(1980): B.Sc. (Biology), RUPP, 1987; Certificate of Botany, Kazakh State University (Republic of Kazakhstan), 1992.

Ms. Kauv Samnang

(1987): B.Sc. (Biology), RUPP, 1988.

Ms. Nhem Borany

(1989): B.Sc. (Biology), RUPP, 1992.

Mr. THOU Phorn

(1996): B.Sc. (Biology), RUPP, 1995; Certificate of Teacher Training, Faculty of Pedagogy (Phnom Penh), 1996; M.A.Sc, Chamroeun University of Poly Technology (Phnom Penh), 2008.

Mr. Eam Piseth

(1997): B.Sc. (Biology), RUPP, 1996; Grad Dip (Teacher Training), Faculty of Pedagogy (Phnom Penh), 1997; Master Development Management, Norton University, 2012.

Mr. Loeung Chanthy

(1997): B.Sc. (Biology), RUPP, 1996; Certificate in Teacher Training, Faculty of Pedagogy (Phnom Penh), 1997, Diploma in Rural Economic Development and Engimeering of Biology, Diploma d’Etude Complémentaire (France), 2003; Mater of Science in Agronomic and Ingenirring (France), Diploma d’Etude Complémentaire (France), 2006.

Mr. Ly Viboth

(1998): B.Sc. (Biology), RUPP, 1997; Certificate of Teacher Training, Faculty of Pedagogy (Phnom Penh) 1998; B.A. (French), RUPP, 1999, Diploma in Rural Economic Development and Engimeering of Biology, Diploma d'Etude Complémentaire (France), 2003; Mater of Science in Agronomic and Ingenirring (France), Diploma d’Etude Complémentaire (France), 2006; PhD candidate (Muséum National de l’Histore Naturelle), Ecole Doctorale MNHN (Paris, France), 2010-2013.

Ms. Peou You Leang

(1999): B.Sc. (Biology), RUPP, 1998; Certificate of Teacher Training, Faculty of Pedagogy (Phnom Penh), 1999; M.Sc. (Biodiversity Conservation), RUPP (Phnom Penh), 2010.

Mr. Khiev Piseth

(2001): B.Sc. (Biology), RUPP, 2000; Diploma (Biodiversity Conservation), RUPP, 2008; PhD, Korea, 2012.

Ms. Srei Narin

(2001): B.Sc. (Biology), RUPP, 2000; Certificate of Teacher Training, Faculty of Pedagogy (Phnom Penh), 2001; Diploma (Biodiversity Conservation), RUPP, 2008, M.S. Canada, 2011; PhD candidate (Canada), 2011-2014.

Mr. KONG Putha

(2008): B.Sc. (Biology), RUPP, 2003; Certificate in Teacher Training, National Institute of Education(Phnom Penh), 2005.

Ms. MEAS Seanghun

(2009): B.Sc. (Biology), RUPP, 2005 M.Sc. (Biology),Khon Kaen University (Thailand), 2008; PhD. candidate, Sogang University, Korea.

Mr. ITH Saveng

(2010): B.Sc. (Biology), RUPP , 2005; M.Sc. (Biodiversity Conservation), RUPP (Phnom Penh), 2009; PhD candidate, Song Kla University (Thailand), 2010-2014.

Ms. SREY Chansorphea

(2012): B.Sc. (Biology), RUPP, 2005; Certificate of Teacher Training, National Institute of Education (Phnom Penh), 2006; M.Sc. (Biodiversity Conservation), RUPP (Phnom Penh), 2010.

Mr. PHAUK Sophany

(2012): B.Sc. (Biology), RUPP , 2007; M.Sc. (Biodiversity Conservation), RUPP , (Phnom Penh), 2011.

Mr. KHEAM Sokha

(2012): B.Sc. (Biology), RUPP, 2007; Certificate of Teacher Training, National Institute of Education (Phnom Penh) 2009; M.S.T (Master of Science in Teaching), De la Salle University (Philippine), 2011.

Contact Info

Head of Department:

Mr. Uk On Norong
Email: biology.info(at)rupp.edu.kh
Office Room: #413 Campus I

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