Course Description

ENG001-ENG410 English Language III- VI
Years II-III, Semesters I & II
English Language Support Unit
As most textbooks and research books in Cambodia are written in English or French, foreign language acquisition is essential for professors and students alike. The development of students' knowledge base and research skills across all disciplines at the Royal University of Phnom Penh is an outstanding goal of this foreign language program.
SCH201 Organic Chemistry I
Mr. Long Lay
Year II, Semester I
Students learn about the structure and properties of organic compounds, bonding and molecular structure, chemical reactivity, conformation, and stereochemistry. They study homology, nomenclature, preparation and the properties of hydrocarbons.
SCH202 Analytical Chemistry I
Mr. Mey Sovuthy, Ms. Ith Putheary
Year II, Semester I
Reviews and introduces new concepts in stoichiometry, aqueous solutions, chemical equilibrium, gravimetric methods of chemical analysis, acid-based titration, complexation titration, oxidation-reduction titration, and gravimetry.
SCH203 Analytical Chemistry Lab. I
Mr. Mey Sovuthy, Ms. Ith Putheary
Year II, Semester I
Students gain a working understanding of titrimetry (acid-base), gravimetry (precipitation),
oxio-reduction, titration, and complexation titration.
SCH204 Quantum Chemistry
Mr. Kin SovannYear II, Semester I
Quantum Theory allows us to understand and predict the role of electrons in Chemistry. Students learn how this important theory developed from basic physics to explain some of the most fundamental questions in chemistry related to the number, energy and position of electrons in atoms.
SCH205 Elementary Statistics
Mr. Bun ChanthaYear II, Semester I
Students are introduced to such concepts as frequency distribution graphs, averages, variability, standard scores and the normal curve, linear regression, Pearson's correlation coefficient and other correlation techniques, sampling, probability and distributions, testing hypotheses, covering population parameters, single and bivariate, chi-square and distribution free statistical tests.
SCH206 Inorganic Chemistry I
Mr. Huch HuotYear II, Semester I
Students learn about the electronic structure of atoms, elementary molecular orbital theory, and the chemistry of S and P block elements.
SCH207 Inorganic Chemistry Lab.
Mr. Huch Huot, Mr. Chuon SovannaYear II, Semester I
Students learn about the packing of atoms or ions in crystals, preparation and properties of S, P-block elements and transitional elements, and the uses of inorganic compounds.
SCH208 Organic Chemistry II
Mr. Long LayYear II, Semester II
Students examine aromatic compounds, aromatic substitutions, properties of aliphatic compounds including spectroscopy, alcohols and thiols, ether epoxides, glycols, thioether, carbonyl compounds, carboxylic acids and their derivatives, carbanion-enolates, amines, and phenolic compounds.
SCH209 Analytical Chemistry II
Mr. Mey Sovuthy, Ms. Ith PuthearyYear II, Semester II
Students examine strategies for qualitative analysis and learn about chemical equilibrium, acid-base equilibrium, additional aspects of equilibrium, and chemical kinetics.
SCH210 Analytical Chemistry Lab. II
Mr. Mey SovuthyYear II, Semester II
Students gain a working knowledge of separation and identification of ions, in the silver group, copper-arsenic group, aluminum-nickel group, barium group and sodium-potassium-magnesium group.
SCH211 Physical Chemistry I
Mr. Chey ThavyYear II, Semester II
Students learn about the treatment of thermodynamics in chemical systems, enthalpy, entropy, free energy changes in chemical reactions and applications of thermodynamics in various chemical systems.
SCH212 General Biology
Mr. Thav SokuntheaYear II, Semester I
Students gain a basic knowledge of a wide range of biological fields of study, and become aware of the relevance and importance of biology to life in Cambodia and the world. The course begins with the biology of cells and traces premises about the origins of life, from early theories to the modern. The course then continues with the biology of organisms and ecosystems, their relationships to one another, behaviors and how they change, and organisms that are useful and harmful. The course includes laboratory exercises that relate to the theory.
SCH213 Inorganic Chemistry II
Mr. Huch HuotYear II, Semester II
This course introduces students to transitional elements, chemical symmetry, states of atoms, aqueous chemistry of the first transition series and Pi-acid ligand complexes.
SCH214 Organic Chemistry Lab. I
Mr. Long LayYear II, Semester II
Students practice fundamental techniques used in organic chemistry to classify the properties of organic compounds by chemical methods.
Contact Info

Head of Department:
- Mr. Chey Thavy
- Email: chey.thavy(at)
- Email:
- Tel: (855) 16-838-379
- Office Room: Campus I, RUPP

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