Course Description
Introduction to Economics
The emphasis of this course is on the principles and concepts of economics, and the ways the current Cambodian economy functions. Students will study the principles of supply and demand, consumer behaviour, utility maximization, cost of production, and profit maximization. The economics of competition within a variety of industries is critically examined including types of competition, monopoly, oligopoly, monopolistic competition, competition policy and regulation, resource markets, market failure, and government intervention. Emphasis will be placed on formulating a competitive strategy within that structure.
The aim of this course is also to introduce business students to the basic principles of macro-economics and international economics. In contrast to micro-economics, macro-economics looks at the behaviour of the economy as a whole; in particular the behaviour of aggregate measures such as output, unemployment, inflation, economic growth, and the balance of trade. It also deals with the determination of exchange rates, the operation of monetary and fiscal policy under different exchange rate regimes, and, more broadly, international trends that may influence the overall direction of the world in the next few years.
Business Computer Application
Microcomputer applications will provide you with intermediate and advanced computer application skills to support your learning through the degree completion process. The course of study will provide you with exposure to technologies that support electronic research as well as utilizing electronic learning tools that will be used within the program of study to interact with and progress students learning outcomes. In addition, it will provide you with the necessary computer skills to produce research reports, professional business documents and electronic presentations.
Concept of International Trade and Business
In this course you will receive a broader understanding of the global marketplace as a place to do business. Specifically, you will learn about aspects of the global marketplace that need to be researched in detail, as well as various marketing strategies that need to be considered by marketing practitioners. You will be taught the terminology of international trade, basic international trading blocs, trade rules and international trade treaties, and their impact on the development of trade patterns. You will also participate in discussions about practical aspects of a managerial orientation that are required to ensure that a firm’s global trading efforts are successful and profitable.
Management Theory & Practices
Management Theories and Practice will explore the role of a manager within contemporary organizations. By examining the foundational principles of managerial theory, students will be exposed to the key functions required of a successful manager including: understanding the impact of organizational culture within the workplace, planning processes, organizing, communicating and managing change, leadership issues, understanding groups and teams, and motivating employees.
Cultural Aspect of Global Trade
The objective of this module is to demonstrate the complexity of culture and its significance for the conduct of business. It develops cultural knowledge, sensitivity and skills necessary for working in the diverse cultural environments of the S.E. Asia countries. After completing this module, students should be able to understand the impact of culture on management practices in S.E. Asia.
This capstone course in culture and implications for global trade completes previous course materials dealing with various cultural elements to be taken into consideration in international commerce. The course provides an in-depth study of the skills and concepts required in communicating effectively with people from other cultures for specific business purposes. Students will receive practical international communication tools through classroom lectures, assignments, interactive simulations and tests that will help them succeed in dealing with other cultures around the globe.
Legal Issues of International Trade
This course analyses the legal principles applicable to any business person or corporation carrying on the variety of activities that comprise a business venture. The course will also identify relevant laws of other countries that impinge on international business and are of particular interest to business. It will also review international treaties and conventions which facilitate contractual dealings between businesses in different countries. Examination of environmental laws that impact on worldwide business is an important feature of course content. Finally, the course will review public trade law encompassing inter-governmental agreements of international trade.
Consumer Behaviours
This module provides an overview of consumer behaviour theories, research, and applications. It is designed to develop knowledge and skills that will facilitate an understanding of buyer behaviour which can be integrated into the formulation of marketing strategies. This will be accomplished by surveying the social science underpinnings of consumer behaviour as well as various types of consumer research which may be valuable for specific marketing decisions. The module thus emphasizes the content and logical application of theories and research in analysing consumer behaviour for solving marketing management problems.
Ideation – Creating a Business Idea
The module is a fundamental part of the entrepreneurship learning process of the NUS Overseas Colleges program. Offered by the Stockholm School of Entrepreneurship, the course challenges the students to identify areas of need, to find and create business ideas, and to develop business concepts and opportunities. The module is aimed at equipping students with knowledge on the process of creating and developing a business opportunity. The course covers pre-idea to creation of the business idea, identification of market demand, conducting of competitive analyses and study of relevant issues affecting the actual launching of the product/service. Real life examples will be used for more effective learning.
Developing New Business
This course aims to equip students with the knowledge and tools required to start their own successful scalable business. Students learn through developing a business idea and business plan and presenting it to a panel of judges at the end of the course. Major topics covered include: idea generation and evaluation, value proposition, market analysis, sustainable competitive advantage, marketing strategy, creative problem-solving, innovation, teams, legal issues, financing, valuation and forecasting, managing growth, going global, negotiation and presentation. The course is targeted at all students who are interested in learning how to start a scalable business.
Research Methods in Business & Management
This module is designed to equip with basic knowledge on how to conduct research. Major topics covered include understanding and formulating research problems, the nature of causation in social research, choice of research design, conceptualisation and measurement, operationalization of constructs, appreciation and construction of selected sociometric scales and indices, data collection and analysis, and preparation of research reports. When necessary, additional topics will be introduced depending on the needs of students and staff expertise.
Corporate Law & Finance
The course aims to equip business students majoring in finance or international business with basic legal knowledge relating to the regulatory framework of our domestic and foreign financial markets. More specifically, the course examines important corporate finance concepts such as the raising of funds by a company from the domestic and international markets (e.g. IPOs, syndicated loans), trading offences, joint ventures, mergers and acquisitions etc. from a legal point of view. Besides the use of academic textbooks and journal articles, actual legal precedents and documents used by practitioners are also employed to explain drafting styles, negotiation methodology and legal rights and liabilities of the various parties in the transactions.
Market Entry and Distribution
In this course, you will study in detail the various options exporters have available to them to enter foreign markets including indirect exporting, direct exporting, trading houses, licensing agreements, agents, distributors, co-marketing, joint ventures, franchising, and international strategic partnerships. You will investigate each option involving an in-depth analysis and evaluation of aspects of the market itself, the competition that exists there (both domestic and foreign), the exporter’s particular strengths and weaknesses, as well as the needs and wants of consumers themselves in that particular market.
Supply Chain Management
This course considers the operation of a supply chain from a managerial perspective, serving two main objectives: to provide tools for design, analysis, management and performance improvement of supply chains, and to introduce and discuss recent influential innovations in supply chain management such as B2B portals. Students will be taught to appreciate the need to balance between responsiveness and efficiency in the four major components of the chain: Inventory, Transportation, Facilities, and Information. These four components will be introduced to the students through suitable mathematical and behavioural models. It is recommended that students have some understanding of the Internet and e-business.
This course provides you with an overview of the global supply chain and its importance to firms. You will explore the elements of the supply chain, or network of firms that supply and transform material and distribute final products to consumers. You will examine the challenges and growing importance of well managed supply chains from the viewpoint of all major stakeholders.
Statistic Research Concept
You will apply techniques to data collection and presentation, and calculate descriptors of central tendency, dispersion, and skewness. You will apply probability concepts to discrete and continuous distributions. You will calculate descriptors of sampling distributions and apply them to the determination of confidence intervals. You will apply hypothesis testing to population means and proportions. You will apply hypothesis testing to nominal and ordinal data. You will calculate the linear regression parameters of bivariate data and use them to calculate confidence and prediction intervals.
International market research
You are introduced in this course to the fact that markets are primarily global in scope, a fact that companies must be aware of and be prepared to exploit. You will learn how to conduct in-depth market research, a key competency in today’s competitive market-place. You will acquire the research tools you need to perform data acquisition and analysis in support of corporate goals and activities. You will learn that competitive advantage and market penetration require the same level of detailed market knowledge, understanding, and depth of planning as domestic operations. You are introduced to qualitative and quantitative research methods. You will develop competencies in creating and deploying databases from the outset of this course, and learn how to identify, collect and sort data and data sources, design questionnaires, efficiently gather primary and secondary data, as well as perform analysis and compile reports.
Strategic Information Management
This module provides business students with an understanding of the strategic role of information systems and technology in business organisations. Frameworks (e.g., strategic grid, strategic thrusts, and customer resource life cycle) for analysing the strategic impact of information technology and the Internet on organisational and industry structures are introduced. Information systems that support or shape an organisation's competitive strategy are discussed. The module also examines the sustainability of information technology-based competitive advantage, strategic information risks, business-technology alignment, assessment of IT investments as well as various management issues and challenges in identifying, developing and implementing strategic systems.
International Marketing Strategies
This course provides you with an understanding of the scope, complexity, and the inter-connectedness of the key issues involved in global marketing. You will investigate the economic, political and social changes that have occurred around the world during the past 25 years. They include the importance of local and foreign competition, changing market structures, ethics and social structures, the impact of global communications, negotiating strategies and the development of managerial expertise for the 21st century.
International Business Management
Through lectures, case studies, group projects, presentations, and class discussions, you will be exposed to and develop a thorough understanding of critical aspects of the global marketplace, including the role that politics, business law, culture, and technology play; of the international business environment, including the role that monetary policy, balance of payments, and foreign exchange play; aspects of international business, including the role that strategic alliances, organizational design, and leadership play; and how to manage international business operations, including finance, HR, marketing, production and R & D.
Operation Management
All manufacturing and service organisations have an operations function that is primarily responsible for the production and delivery of their products and services. The operations function therefore not only affects final product quality but also impacts customer service and the overall competitiveness of the organisation. The objective of this course is to introduce and highlight the strategic importance of operations, and the fundamental principles and concepts of effective operations management. Students will examine how operations decisions in areas such as quality, process design, capacity and inventory can be managed, controlled and improved. Operations in both manufacturing and service organisations will be addressed. (Although no prerequisite is stated, this module assumes prior knowledge of basic probability concepts like expected value, variance, Normal distribution, and Poisson distribution. Students should ensure that they are adequately prepared for this module.)
Human Resource Management
This module introduces students to the fundamentals of human resource management (HRM), and it provides a foundation for more advanced modules that focus on specific aspects of HRM. It aims to provide students with general understanding of the core areas of HRM, including HR planning, job analysis, recruitment and selection, performance management, training and development, compensation, employee relations, and HRM in an international context. These issues will all be addressed from the perspective of general managers, HRM specialists, and individual employees. Students will be challenged to consider the implications of integrated HR systems, as well as specific HRM policies and implementation procedures, for individual and organisational performance. They will also consider the practical implications of the changing nature of work and the employment relationship.
International Financial Management
This course is concerned with how financial managers function in an international environment. This requires that we understand: (1) the institutional arrangements of different international financial markets, (2) the accompanying financial instruments and innovations, and (3) the salient factors affecting the financial operations of multinationals. Topics to be covered include the foreign exchange market, Eurobond/Eurocurrency markets, as well as the Asian bond markets, the effects of exchange rate movements on both domestic and international operations and methods of hedging these exposures, operational (trade financing techniques) and strategic (foreign direct investment decisions and political risk management) financial management issues, and the latest financial innovations in the international financial market.
International Trade Finance introduces you to key concepts and models required to efficiently manage the financial aspects of international operations. You will be able to construct suitable financial proposals, perform risk analysis and identify strategies to manage risk, perform cash flow planning as well as calculate foreign exchange costs and identify required export-import documentation. The course culminates with illustration of foreign currency derivatives mechanisms and practices used to control financial risks in international situations. You will also examine working capital management, cash valuations and strategies of repositioning corporate funds to create shareholder value.
Risks and Disaster Management
To provide students with the ability and competency to exercise judgement and apply techniques in risk management to matters encountered by accounting professionals at an organisational level and to react to current developments or new practice. This module covers risk management frameworks, risk management techniques and basic components of a business continuity plan.
Financial & Managerial Accounting
This course covers major concepts, tools and techniques in managerial accounting. It provides students with an appreciation of how managerial accounting evolves with changes in the business environment and why the usefulness of managerial accounting systems depends on the organisational context. The emphasis is on the use of managerial accounting information for decision-making, planning, and controlling activities. Students are introduced to both traditional and contemporary managerial accounting concepts and techniques.
Corporate Social Responsibility
This course, building on ethical decision frameworks developed in two earlier courses, focuses on the issue of corporate social responsibility in the 21st century. The key dimensions of business’ relationship with government and its wider society is explored. Diverse and complex stakeholder interests are identified as determinants of business success and brand integrity. The course offers a practical introduction to corporate social responsibility issues as they relate to quality of life, standard of living, sustainable development and societal progress. Issues to be examined are social entrepreneurship, organizational learning, sustainability, philanthropy, commercialization, and the role of the non-profit sector.
Whether, how, and to what degree businesses use social considerations to inform their goals, strategies, behaviours, and profits is contestable in Asia and globally. This course critically examines a host of issues related to these questions including corporate charitable giving, product development, market placement, pricing strategies, labour relations, strategic and venture philanthropy, public policy, advocacy, environmental sustainability, investing, and sponsorships. Students will better understand and evaluate the ways in which national and multinational corporations affect large-scale changes in Asian societies via their practises and the trade-offs associated with various means these companies employ as they seek to positively impact society.
This module provides students with basic grounding in tax planning. Part 1 discusses tax planning opportunities for the business entity in a local (Singapore) context, by making use of available tax incentives, different business structures, etc. Part 2 covers tax planning in an international business context, and will deal with double tax agreements, choice of foreign investment vehicles, repatriation of income and capital, tax havens, tax arbitrage, etc. Part 3 deals with tax planning for the individual operating across international boundaries.
International Exchange (Elective Course)
Special Topics in Business
The topics offered will involve both general and specialized issues relating to the business environment, which are worthy of an in-depth treatment from a general management perspective.
Industry Work Placement (Co-opt/Practicum)
Workload: Varies depending on individual student with their supervisor
Pre-requisite: All levels of foundation modules. Additional pre-requisite may be imposed by the supervisor(s) depending on topics of research. The job scope of the Consulting Practicum is part of the initial negotiations between the students and the company. They learn how to define a job scope, negotiate the resources, and negotiate the timeline and deliverables. The instructor is only involved in confirming the final agreement between the students and the company. It is an interactive process as the students have to make a preliminary survey of the company before finalizing the job scope. The project is divided into stages -- planning, research and assessment, and recommendations. It is not the same as an industrial attachment as the students take a strategic approach to dealing with a real company issue - it is a consulting project, pure and simple. It is not an academic exercise as the research is focused on real work issues. Students use their skills learnt in library work and market research.
International Trip for International Business Environment Analysis
Thesis Writing
The purpose of the Thesis Writing is to provide the student with an opportunity to select and study a research problem of importance and present his findings logically and systematically in clear and concise prose. The research topic can be either the study of a business problem involving the use of analytic or predictive models, or a research study using field research techniques or data analysis leading to sound generalisations and deductions, or a scientific analysis of a theoretical problem. The student is expected in this exercise to demonstrate (a) a good understanding of relevant methodology and literature (b) the significance and relevance of the problem (c) a logical and sound analysis and (d) a clear and effective presentation.
Contact Info

- Head Department
- Tel: (+855) 78666779
- Email:
- Address: Room 317B, Main Campus (Building A), Royal University of Phnom Penh, Russian Federation Blvd., Touk Kork, Phnom Penh 12101 Cambodia
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