Home » Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities » Department of International Business Mgt » curriculum


Year 1
Semester 1
IBM 111 Law and Policies for International Bus 3
IBM 112 Business and Economic Environment 3
IBM 113 Khmer and World History for Tourism 3
IBM 114 ASEAN Study for Business & Tourism 2
IBM 115 Business Computer Application 2
IBM 116 General English 1 4
Semester 2
IBM 121 Khmer and World Civilization 2
IBM 122Statistics2
IBM 123Foundation of Management3
IBM 124International Relations3
IBM 125Foundation of International Business3
IBM 126General English 24
Year 2
Semester 1
IBM 211Principle of Accounting for Management3
IBM 212Organizational Behaviour3
IBM 213Consumer Behaviour3
IBM 214Human Resource Management3
IBM 215Aspect of International Trade3
IBM 216Legal Issues of International Trade3
IBM 217English for Specific Purpose4
Semester 2
IBM 221Strategic Management3
IBM 222Entrepreneurship Develop.t & Innovation3
IBM 223Supply-Chain Management3
IBM 224Basic & Applied Concepts for Marketing3
IBM 225Marketing Entry and Distribution3
IBM 226English for Specific Purpose4
Year 3
Semester 1
IBMIBM 311Research Methods for Bus. & Mang.3
IBM 312Operation Management3
IBM 313Bus. Monitoring Evaluation Seminar S. I3
IBM 314ICT for Business & Management3
IBM 315E-Marketing & E-Commerce for Tourism3
IBM 316English for Specific Purpose4
Semester 2
IBM 321Risk & Crisis Management3
IBM 322Market Research Methods3
IBM 323Pricing Models & Strategies3
IBM 324Investment Management3
IBM 325Financial Management3
IBM 326English for Specific Purpose4
Year 4
Semester 1
IBM 411Advanced Research Methods3
IBM 412Bus. Monitoring Evaluation Seminar S. II3
IBM 413Advanced Business Plan3
IBM 414Green Innovation in Business Conduct3
IBM 415Corporate Social Responsibility3
IBM 416English for International Communication3
Semester 2
IBM 421Taxation3
IBM 422Financial Markets and Institutions3
IBM 423Soft Skills and Work Attitude3
IBM 424Multinational Corporation Management3
Group Project Report3
Total:141 (at least 120)

Thesis (10% of top score students) = Thesis

Practicum (20% of students) = 3-month practicum (480 hours) and report

International Trip (20% of self-finance students) = 2-week foreign trip and group international business plan (min 5-max 10 members)

Elective Courses

  • Conflict Resolution: Negotiation and Mediation

  • Entrepreneurship and Business Planning

  • Interpersonal Relations & Effectiveness

  • Internet Strategy and Marketing

  • CJCC/CKCC Courses

Contact Info

Head Department
Tel: (+855) 78666779
Email: sambathphou@yahoo.com
Address: Room 317B, Main Campus (Building A), Royal University of Phnom Penh, Russian Federation Blvd., Touk Kork, Phnom Penh 12101 Cambodia


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