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Academic Assessments

Students are assessed for each subject through class discussions, study activities, assignments: mid-term exam (25%) and final-term exam (50%), attendance and in-class academic performance (10%), and research assignments (15%).

Contact Info

Head of Department:

Tel: (855) 12 831 709

Deputy Head of Department:

Mr. Puth Sunphan
Tel: (855) 12 843 342
Email: puth.sunphan@rupp.edu.kh
Email: puth_sunphan@yahoo.com

Deputy Head of Department:

Mrs. Mech Samphors
Tel: (855) 12 581 106
Email: mech.samphors@rupp.edu.kh
Email: samphorsmech@gmail.com

Student Life

Foreign students who are interested in studying in Cambodia should first approach their national government. read more...