
Recognizing this problem in 2004, an association of highly trained and experienced Cambodian chemists and researchers living in France (AMANEK) proposed to present a post graduate course in analytical chemistry which was perceived as the most relevant and useful for the needs of Cambodian development. They offered their time and expertise freely. As a result the Ministry of Education Youth and Sport gave approval in prakas No.1956 for the Chemistry department in RUPP to open a Masters course in Chemistry. The first cohort of M.Sc. students in chemistry graduated in 2011.
The situation in Cambodia is now better than before in that now there are some qualified Cambodian lecturers living in Cambodia. Therefore the second and subsequent cohorts of M.Sc. students will be taught by AMANEK members increasingly assisted by local lecturers.
Contact Info

- Course Coordinator: N/A
- Tel: N/A
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