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Course Description

MCH511. Quantum Mechanics

Dr NETH Barom/Ms. Seng Samphors

In this course the foundations of quantum mechanics, linear motion and harmonic oscillator, angular momentum, group theory, techniques of approximation, molecular structure, calculation of electronic structure, molecular rotations and vibrations, molecular electronic transitions, and electric and magnetic properties of molecules. Prerequisites: Calculus and General Physics.

MCH512. Advanced Inorganic Chemistry

Dr Top Siden

In this course students will go over inorganic chemistry based on principles of bonding, structure, reaction mechanisms, and modern synthetic methods. Chemistry and general properties of representative and transition elements and their compounds, advanced ligand field theory and molecular orbital theory, applications in catalysis, bioinorganic and bio-organometallic chemistry.

MCH513. Advanced Organic Chemistry

Dr Samreth Soth

This course will deal with the fundamental topics of structure and mechanisms in organic chemistry including; fundamental reaction types; nucleophilic substitution, addition and elimination, carbanions, carbonyl chemistry, aromatic substitution pericyclic reactions, free radical substitutions and photochemistry. Also included are stereochemistry and conformation. The course goal is to solidify and extend the student's understanding of the basic concepts and how structural changes influence mechanism and reactivity.

MCH514. Separation Techniques

Dr Samreth Soth

The objective of this course is to give the students an overview of the essential methods used in organic synthesis including; distillation, crystallisation, liquid-liquid extraction, liquid-solid extraction, chromatography (GC, HPLC, SFC, SMB, Ion exchange and gel filtration.

MCH515. Molecular Structure

Dr Neth Barom

This course will address molecular structure and models of bonding. There are three objectives of the course. The first is to review basic concepts of chemical bonding and structure. The second objective is to present a more advanced view of bonding, as qualitative molecular orbital theory (QMOT). This more advanced approach to bonding includes the notion of group orbitals for recurring functional groups, and extension of molecular orbital theory that will allow us to make rational predictions as to how bonding schemes arise from orbital mixing. And the third objective is to show correlation of structure and reactivity. By covering stable structures alongside reactive intermediates, it should be clear that our standard models of bonding predict the reactivity and structure of all types of organic structures, stable and otherwise. Prerequisite: C514.

MCH521. Advanced Biochemistry

Dr. Khim Leang/Mr. Heng Savoeun

This course covers proteins, enzyme mechanisms, nucleic acid structure and function, and catabolic metabolism, as well as anabolic metabolism and bioinformation processes.

MCH522. Modern Instrumental Analysis I

Dr Top Siden/Mr Cheng Khley

This course emphasises the laboratory work and applications of spectroscopic methods in chemical, food, pharmaceutical and environmental analysis. Two main objectives: i) use these methods for quantitative such as the determination of environmental pollutants or pesticides in food ii) use molecular spectroscopic methods to perform qualitative analysis: structure determination of organic and inorganic compounds. It is divided into three parts:

  1. Atomic spectroscopy: Atomic emission, absorption and fluorescence phenomena, atomic spectroscopy based on flame atomisation, methods with electrochemical atomisers, methods based on atomisation in plasma, inductively coupled plasma, applications. Fluorescence X spectroscopy.

  2. Molecular spectroscopy: - IR/Raman vibrational spectroscopy, - UV-Visible spectroscopy.

    1. IR and Raman spectroscopy: IR absorption and Raman scattering phenomena, vibrational modes, polarity and polarisability, IR and Raman activities vibrationnal spectroscopy, energy levels, harmonic oscillator, unharmonicity, bandwidth and intensity, molecular symmetry and group theory, vibrational modes, polarity and polarisability, IR and Raman activities, selection rules, spectral analysis, structure determination, different techniques.

    2. UV-Visible spectroscopy: Principles of UV-Visible spectroscopy, electronic transitions, origin of electronic spectra, fluorescence and phosphorescence, instruments, different techniques, time resolved spectroscopy, qualitative and quantitative analysis.

  3. NMR and Mass spectrometry

    1. NMR: dynamic and magnetic properties of atomic nuclei, nuclear resonance, relaxation process, chemical shift, absorption intensity, spin-spin coupling, time-dependent phenomena, experimental methods, applications: structure determination, quantitative analysis

    2. Mass spectrometry: introduction and methods of ionisation, methods of mass analysis, fragmentation pathways and interpretation of EI spectra, elemental composition and MS/MS, high-resolution mass spectrometry, GC/MS and LC/MS techniques, organic structure determination, combined methods: application of NMR, MS, UV, IR spectra in structure elucidation.

MCH523. Modern Synthetic Reactions

Dr. Neth Barom/Mr. Long Lay

In this class current strategies and methods in synthetic chemistry including construction of frameworks, control of relative and absolute stereochemistry and retrosynthetic strategies, as well as use of databases and molecular modeling software in multistep strategies. Advanced organic synthesis of complex target molecules, use of organometallics for selective transformations, and carbocyclic and heterocyclic ring formation will be covered.

MCH524. Organometallic Chemistry

Dr TOP Siden

This course provides a basic comprehensive overview of organometallic chemistry and applications of organometallic compounds. Historical notes, classification of organometallic compounds, metal-carbon bonds, ionic bonds, sigma covalent bonds, electron-deficient bonds, dative bonds. Organometallic compounds of non-transition elements. Organometallic compounds of transition metals, electronic structure and classification, transition metals, ligands, 18-valence-electron rule, σ-donor ligands, σ -donor/π-acceptor ligands, σ,π-donor/π-acceptor ligands. Organometallic catalysis. Bioorganometallic chemistry.

MCH525. Modern Instrumental Analysis II

Mr Ing Hok

The aim of this course is to give students a deeper understanding of important techniques which underlie modern chemistry. These include methods for separation and purification, such as centrifugation, column chromatography; methods for detecting and measuring molecules, such as gel electrophoresis and scintillation counting, and methods for studying molecules, such spectroscopy including NMR, redox potential measurement and crystallography. Statistical methods for understanding biochemical data will be introduced. Theory in lectures is closely linked to practical classes and computer simulations.

MCH631. Applied Analytical Chemistry

Dr. SAMRETH Soth, Mr. ING Hok

The topics that will be developed in these courses include: food, drugs and environmental chemistry. Various examples will be considered for each topic in terms of compounds analyzed, methods used and the reasons for apparatus chosen.

MCH632. Chemistry of Macromolecules

Dr. Tieng Sitheng

In this class students will go over the physical chemistry and characterization of macromolecules with emphasis on those with biological interest. Structural thermodynamic, optical and transport properties of polymers in bulk and in solution. Physical characterization methods.

MCH633. Protein Structure and Mechanism

Dr. Khim Leang/Mr Heng Savoeun

The module covers a comprehensive range of topics in the biochemistry of proteins ranging from amino acids, structures and properties of proteins, the techniques for purification (affinity, ion-exchange, and gel filtration chromatography), techniques in protein crystallisation and characterization of proteins, including SDS-PAGE, Western blot, etc. It details the methodologies for extraction of enzyme, enzymatic reactions (rates and catalysis), and measurement of enzyme activity. It further explores the mechanisms of enzyme action. Students will also be introduced to Bioinformatics which enables students to search for genes, DNA, RNA, and protein sequence, and to analyze and compare/align protein structure.

MCH634. Advanced Physical Organic

Dr NETH Barom

The following issues will be addressed in this class: molecular strain and stability, solutions and non-covalent binding forces, acid-base chemistry, energy surfaces and kinetic analyses, experiments related to thermodynamics and kinetics, catalysis.

MCH635. Natural Products & Their Extraction

Dr Heng Meng/Ms. Long Solida

The major aim is to provide students with a theoretical background to natural products and a familiarity with the various theoretical and experimental tools. The programme includes:

  1. Introduction: Concepts of natural product chemistry. Traditional and modern approaches to the study of natural products

  2. Isoprenoids: Chemistry and biological importance of monoterpenes, triterpenes, and carotenoids.

  3. Alkaloids: Chemistry and biological importance of terpenoid indole, benzyl-isoquinoline and tropane alkaloids.

  4. Phenylpropanoids: Chemistry and function of simple hydroxycinnamic acids, lignins, flavonoids, isoflavonoids,

  5. Glucosinolates: Chemistry and function of glucosinolates.

  6. General phenolics: Chemistry and function of phenolics

  7. Glycosides and glycosidases: Chemistry and function of glycosides and their aglycones.

MCH641. Biomolecular Sciences

Dr. Khim Leang

This module aims to provide students an understanding of the roles of essential biological molecules, biomolecules, that makes life possible. It describes the key components of the cell and their biochemical interactions. Specifically, it will cover three main subjects: Molecular Biology, Genetic Engineering, and Molecular Biology of bacterial infections. Students will be introduced to the general principles of molecular biology. This provides students with the knowledge of the flow of genetic information, the understanding of how a protein, a product of a gene, is expressed/produced. In addition, it introduces students to cutting edge genetic engineering/recombinant DNA technology by which genes of interest from organisms that are difficult to obtain or dangerous to work with can be taken and moved into well-characterized, safe microorganisms. The course will present students how important target protein product of a desired gene, which is produced in only small quantities, can be expressed in vitro in a larger amount. Also, it includes general principles of chemotherapy at molecular levels. Students will explore pharmacology of bacterial infections associated with DNA replication, transcription, translation, and cellwall synthesis.

SC642. Seminar Series

Mr Ing Hok

This course in designed for students who wish to pursue careers within the private sector or research, e.g. food or pharmaceutical industry. It will provide them the opportunity to meet with professionals in research or the chemical industry. This course will be organized in form of seminars given by professionals coming from research or industry. At the end of each seminar students will be asked to write a short report reflecting on the topic and the results of their discussion with the lecturer.

MCH643. Research Project and Report

Students are required to do a supervised research project and write a report of approximately 30 pages.

Contact Info

Course Coordinator: N/A
Tel: N/A
Email: mchemistry.info(at)rupp.edu.kh


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