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Master of Art in Development Studies (MDS) founded in 2006 with the approval from the Ministry of Education Youth and Sport. The establishing of MDS are:

  • To instill in students a thorough and in-depth comprehension of the contemporary theory and practice of development, emphasizing why and how the social, economic, political and cultural dimensions are relevant to development;

  • To train students to become intellectually and technically competent in both quantitative and qualitative research and to apply them in diverse fields, stressing originality, relevance and practicality;

  • To develop students’ capacity to run their social enterprise (business),

  • To develop students’ capacity to interrelate theory with reality, to reason logically, and to present arguments convincingly; and

  • To inspire students to be professional researchers and practitioners of quality, creativity and flexibility in the area of development, both nationally and internationally.

Contact Info

Room #216A, Building A, Campus I
Tel: 012 504 034

Student Life

Foreign students who are interested in studying in Cambodia should first approach their national government. read more...