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Course Description

A. CORE Subject (CS)

ED2001: Academic Skills for Graduate Studies

Subject Learning Outcomes: By the end of the course, learners will gain the following knowledge and skills:

  1. Accurately identify an author’s position
  2. Evaluate an author’s argument for its clarity, consistency and structure
  3. Accurately identify an author’s assumptions and implicit arguments
  4. Evaluate sources of evidence

This subject is designed to develop a student’s skills and understanding of the numerous elements of the academic writing process. It is the first of two subjects specifically designed to equip students for effective writing and reading within the degree. Skills and knowledge acquired through the two subjects will be further developed and assessed in their academic writing within the other degree subjects and in the production of a minor thesis. Students read academic texts on education and education related topics and practice exercises to refine their understanding and skills.

ED2002: Academic Skills for Graduate Studies (2)

Subject Learning Outcomes: By the end of the course, learners will gain the following knowledge and skills:

  1. Demonstrate the skills to write using critical, analytical writing strategies.

  2. Accurately evaluate their own written work for its analytical writing competency.

  3. Analyze a range of academic writing tasks and accurately identify the levels of critical and analytical skills required.

On successful completion of this subject a student will have the fundamental skills and understandings required for academic writing at university level. Opportunities to practice a range of skills will be provided in conjunction with structured reflection opportunities.

ED2005: Foundations of Education

Subject Learning Outcomes: By the end of the course, learners will gain the following knowledge and skills:

  1. Explain reasons and importance of education and teaching in the past, present, and future;
  2. Interpret concepts and theories of education from historical, philosophical, psychological, sociological, political, and economic perspectives;
  3. 3. Analyze contemporary issues of education and society in various contexts, and critical issues in learning and teaching by using critical and system thinking to problem-solving; and
  4. Formulate ideas for improving education in the 21st century, particularly innovative conceptual framework for productive teaching and school improvement that serve current needs of students and society.

This course is designed to prepare learners for professional teachers and educators who can develop their critical and creative thinking skills for problem-solving in teaching careers. In the current education trend, schools need teachers and educators that can think and apply effective educational approaches to make their students learn and develop 21st century skills. It requires teachers’ understanding and recognition of teaching concepts and practices which always change from time to time. Thus, this course provides learners the opportunities to learn, grow, and share their new concepts, knowledge, and experiences from sociological, psychological, philosophical and historical, political and economic perspectives in various contexts.

ED2006: Philosophy of Education

Subject Learning Outcomes: By the end of the course, learners will gain the following knowledge and skills:

  1. identify basic philosophical concepts and its relation to education
  2. describe ideas of several key philosophers and their different understandings of the goal/s of education

The central questions of philosophy of education are: What will the person be after receiving education? What is the real purpose of education? Who has the authority to control the processes and content of education? Should schools follow a social norm, a traditional value, a theory, an opinion, a method or attempt to bring change to society? This course will explore these questions using the writing of various philosophers. During the course students will consider different philosophical perspectives in relation to the socio-economic and political forces that influence people in the current era.

ED2007: Critical Pedagogy and Adaptive Learning System

Subject Learning Outcomes: By the end of the course, learners will gain the following knowledge and skills:

  1. Identify authors, theories and concepts in the critical pedagogical tradition;
  2. Examine how history, power, economics, and discrimination shape societal perspectives and schooling practices, and consider ways to transform education;
  3. Reflect, discuss, and write about the fundamental concepts and principles of critical pedagogy, taking in consideration the impact of issues concerning race/ethnicity, social class, gender, and ability;
  4. Conduct and participate in informed class discussions and presentations about the relationships among oppression, power, society, education, and change;
  5. Explore the ways to adapt learning and learning environments in response to different learner needs; and
  6. Examine how to help learners self-adapt in the face of learning obstacles.

This course will concentrate on the relationships between teaching and learning. Teaching and learning, according to the critical educator Henry Giroux, is an educational movement, guided by passion and principle, to help students develop consciousness of freedom, recognize existing social, political, cultural and economic issues, and connect knowledge to power and the ability to take constructive action. To achieve this, the practices must involve new activities including the "unlearning," "learning," and "relearning," "reflection," "evaluation," and the impact that these actions have on the students, in particular students whom they believe have been historically and continue to be disenfranchised by what they call "traditional schooling". The work of three critical educators will examined in this course; John Dewey, Paulo Freire and Henry Giroux. In addition, this course will explore different approaches to adaptive and personalized learning organized around the different ways that leaners vary cognitively, metacognitively, and emotionally.

ED2008: SBM and School Community Strategies

Subject Learning Outcomes: By the end of the course, learners will gain the following knowledge and skills:

  1. Identify the concepts of SBM and SCS and its relation to education;
  2. Examine how SBM provides principals, teachers, students, and parents greater control over the education process and how SBM creates more effective learning environments for students;
  3. Examine how SCS produces highly skilled students for work and life.
  4. Examine how SCS improve school performance to meet the effective school standards.

In this course students will be introduced to the principles, concepts and practices that govern the development of education in Cambodia. A few important documents shall be selected for reading; analysis and discussion in order to deeper their understanding in conjunction with theories and practices elsewhere. These documents include but not limited to Law on Education, EFA Plan, and Education Strategies etc. The lecture for this subject will be reinforced by the discussion with the practitioners in the related field.

ED2003: Quantitative Research Method in Education

Subject Learning Outcomes: By the end of the course, learners will gain the following knowledge and skills:

  1. demonstrate appropriate levels of skill in the design of research in education
  2. use accurately the terms: variable, data, validity, reliability, quantitative sample
  3. develop a literature review consistent with the framework in quantitative research

This subject will provide students with an approach to the design of quantitative research in education. Students will be assessed on their accurate application of the framework taught in the subject. Skills and learning from this subject contribute to the development of skills needed by students for successful quantitative research proposal writing.

ED2004: Qualitative Research Method in Education

Subject Learning Outcomes: By the end of the course, learners will gain the following knowledge and skills:

  1. demonstrate appropriate levels of skill in the design of research in education
  2. use accurately the terms: variable, data, validity, reliability, qualitative sample
  3. develop a literature review consistent with the framework in qualitative research

This subject will provide students with an approach to the design of qualitative research in education. Students will be assessed on their accurate application of the framework taught in the subject. Skills and learning from this subject contribute to the development of skills needed by students for successful qualitative research proposal writing.

ED2009: Research Seminar 1

Subject Learning Outcomes: By the end of the course, learners will gain the following knowledge and skills:

  1. apply theory of research in education
  2. develop their own research proposal to be expanded and improved in research seminar 2

While qualitative research method and quantitative research method focus on theories of research in education from topic identification to data analysis and report writing, the research seminar 1 gives students an opportunity to explore their research interest for the conduct of their Master research. Students will be grouped according to their research interest and study under the close supervision of a faculty member. Throughout the course, students will be guided step by step to develop their own research proposal in addition to their weekly reading and discussion of the research papers for their writing of the literature.

ED2012: Research Seminar 2

Subject Learning Outcome: By the end of the course, learners will be able to:

  1. Write his/her thesis at the standard that is acceptable to the examination committee and the program.

The course provides the opportunity for the individual student to work under the academic supervision of a nominated lecturer on the further development and completion of their thesis or research report. The student will negotiate with their supervising lecturer the individual learning goals for each scheduled supervision session. The supervisor will work alongside the student providing the support, input and direction suitable to the individual student. Where appropriate a supervisor will work with students in groups and increasingly supervision will be individualized as each student progresses at different rates through the research process. Assessment will be based on student attendance, their participation in supervision sessions and, achievement of negotiated individual learning goals as recorded in the Supervision Record.


MAJOR: Education Studies

Expected Learning Outcome

Students who choose this major and successfully complete the program are expected to be able to

  1. understand the educational policy, strategy and plan;
  2. understand the various types of leadership styles applied education;
  3. demonstrate an understanding of educational system and its governance;
  4. apply to educational tools for policy analysis;
  5. monitor the educational policy implementation at the grassroots level;
  6. evaluate the effectiveness of educational policy implementation and its alternatives.

ED2013: Educational Leadership

Subject Learning Outcomes: By the end of the course, learners will gain the following knowledge and skills:

  1. describe theories and practices of educational leadership at both institutional and school level

  2. have knowledge and skills to do work for the development of an educational institution

This course deals with theories of leadership, various styles of leadership, leadership within educational organizations, trends and issues in educational leadership, and application to one's personal experience. What is important about leadership? What makes a good leader? Why is educational leadership important in the Cambodian context?

ED2014: Educational Policy

Subject Learning Outcomes: By the end of the course, learners will gain the following knowledge and skills:

  1. describe different processes of educational policy development, implementation and evaluation

  2. develop educational policy brief for identified educational issues based on hypothetical situation

The course outlines the overview of both theoretical and applied dimensions of education policies. It aims to help students to understand the theories and practices of education policy making and analysis, within the local, national and global social, economic and political context. It will examine the relationship of education to other sectors such as economy, demography, religion, politics and culture. It will introduce ways of critically analyzing education policies, including policy goals, policy implementation, problem identification and evaluation. It will enable students to apply the insights provided in the course to their actual work.

MAJOR: Higher Education Management and Development

Expected Learning Outcome

Students who choose this major and successfully complete the program are expected to be able to

  1. identify various issues and constraints faced by higher education at institutional and national levels;
  2. critically analyze and interpret current research findings in relation to all aspects of and make use of the research findings and practices in higher education for the institutional development;
  3. critically analyze institutional issues and identify strategic solution alternatives based on theories, practices and empirical findings to improve institution;

ED2019: Higher Education Management

Subject Learning Outcomes: By the end of the course, learners will gain the following knowledge and skills:

  1. describe processes and practices of managing higher education institution

  2. have knowledge and skills to hold managing position in a higher educational institution

Higher education has played a crucial role in promoting the social, political, cultural and economic development of the nation. Realizing this importance, the Royal Government of Cambodia has introduced an open policy to expand the higher education sector. However, the expansion has to go hand in hand with an effective and efficient management system because effective and efficient management can lead to good governance in higher education. Therefore, there is a need to train people working in higher education institutions to have the knowledge and management skills at various undergraduate and post-graduate levels. In response to the government’s policy, this course is designed to enhance, sharpen and develop the knowledge and skills for educational leaders and managers by undertaking professional learning and development through the Master of Education Program.

ED2020: Higher Education Development

Subject Learning Outcomes: By the end of the course, learners will gain the following knowledge and skills:

  1. describe historical development of higher education in selected countries

  2. analyze the contemporary issues of higher education and propose alternative approaches for higher education quality improvement

The course provides an introduction to the development of higher education institutions – changing trends of higher education. It addresses the changing nature of academic roles of universities. It explores the development of higher education in the western countries as well as that of the developing countries and examines the issues and topics shaping national higher educational systems throughout the world. It will then be used to reflect on the development of higher education in Cambodia.

MAJOR: Lifelong Learning

Students who choose this major and successfully complete the program are expected to be able to

  1. apply the principles and guidance to develop courses for lifelong education;
  2. monitor and evaluate lifelong learning courses/programs at different levels;
  3. identify and apply different tools of data collection in different situations to conduct assessment needs for lifelong education in the community and the work place;
  4. analyze match or mismatch between knowledge and skills provided by the education program and those required by the job market,

ED2025: Training and Professional Development

Subject Learning Outcomes: By the end of the course, learners will gain the following knowledge and skills:

  1. identify learning needs of the employees in a particular workplace

  2. design and implement training program to improve staff capacity

This subject examines a variety of current approaches to professional development for employees in the work place. A wide range of approaches are presented and ways of implementing them illustrated, drawing on eminent scholars’ experiences of developing and conducting staff capacity development. This course is also intended as a practical introduction and guide for those who are holding position in identifying learning needs of the staff.

ED2026: Human Resource Development in the Organization

Subject Learning Outcomes: By the end of the course, learners will gain the following knowledge and skills:

  1. describe theories and practices of staff recruitment, motivation and promotion

  2. design such policy for managing staff in an organization

This course introduces students to theories of human resource development in the workplace, such as employee motivation, group dynamics, systems theory, organizational culture, individual and organizational learning and change.

MAJOR: Curriculum and Instruction

Expected Learning Outcomes: Students who choose this major and successfully complete the program are expected to be able to:

  1. Acquire a historical knowledge base with regard to curriculum development and its relationship to educational philosophies and societal/environmental pressures;
  2. Describe and analyze the importance, nature and function of theory in curriculum discourse and development;
  3. Demonstrate an understanding of the connections between learning theories and instructional design, including historical developments and emergent technologies;
  4. Demonstrate an understanding of teachers’ knowledge of appropriate resources that are available for classroom use, especially technological resources, such as websites (Internet research); and
  5. Apply the concepts of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) to appropriate instructional designs to meet the needs of all learners.

ED2028 : Educational Assessment

Subject Learning Outcomes: : By the end of the course, learners will gain the following knowledge and skills:

  1. Determine the main provisions for the evaluation of students' academic performance, which is stated in the framework for assessing the academic results of kindergarten and general education.
  2. Have the ability to design and analyze test questions and learning assignments to improve teaching and learning efficiency.
  3. Have the ability to use technology to find information, analyze, evaluate, and use the information.
  4. Work as a team to write test questions, prepare disciplines, manage the process, evaluate, analyze, disseminate and use test results to improve the quality of education.

ED2029 : Curriculum and Pedagogies

Subject Learning Outcomes: : By the end of the course, learners will gain the following knowledge and skills:

  1. Identify basic concepts on aspects of curriculum and pedagogy and its relation to education.
  2. Demonstrate different ways to develop and analyze the curriculum.
  3. Discuss, analyze and reflect the influences on the curriculum.
  4. Apply knowledge of curriculum frameworks and pedagogical practice to plan and design learning sequences.
  5. Show appreciation of teamwork and participate in the discussions in a manner which respects other people even though disagreeing with their ideas.

C. Research Paper

MEd-MT: Thesis

This subject (12 credit value) is enrolled in by candidates approved for the minor thesis. The enrolment commences in Term 4 and is completed at the end of Term 6. During this 12 month period a candidate will work under the academic supervision of a nominated lecturer (a thesis supervisor) on the development and completion of their minor thesis. Regular quarterly reviews with the Program coordinator or another nominated staff member will occur with the candidate and the thesis supervisor to ensure there is adequate progress in the work being undertaken.

Using the framework provided for the subject the student and thesis supervisor will negotiate the individual learning goals for each scheduled supervision session. The supervisor will work alongside the student providing the support, input and direction suitable to the individual student. Where appropriate, but for short periods of time a supervisor may work with candidates in groups with supervision increasingly being individualized as each candidate progresses at different rates through their research process.

Assessment will be based on student attendance, their participation in supervision sessions, and the achievement of negotiated individual learning goals as recorded in the Supervision Record. A candidate must pass this subject to complete their degree program of study. The mark awarded the minor thesis by the independent examiners will be the mark awarded for this subject.

Contact Info

Physical Office

RUPP Campus I, Building A, Room 210B, Russian Blvd.
Tel: 089-530-145
Dr. Sok Soth
Dean, Faculty of Education
Mr. Hor Youhan
MEd Program Coordinator
Tel(+855) 12 709 646
Mr. Heng Nareth
Program Assistant
Tel(855) 012-878-197
Miss. Leang Lengngich
Program Assistant
Tel(+855) 70 358 482


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