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Explanation of Terms

  • Academic term: a formal study period of 15 weeks in the MEd degree.
  • Academic year: three academic terms comprise one academic year.
  • MEd student: A student who enrols in the MEd degree.
  • MEd Candidate:a student becomes an MEd candidate when s/he successfully defends his/her research proposal.
  • Contact hours: the number of hours a student is involved in formal structured learning – lectures, tutorials, workshops, seminars etc.
  • Degree:the named degree of a Master of Education.
  • Master Program: refers to the resources (faculty, materials) involved in both the teaching component of the degree and also non-teaching roles including research, consultancy and service work.
  • Major:: describes a sequence of subjects with a specific focus which will be included on the final degree (MEd in Education Studies, Higher Education Management and Development and Lifelong Learning).
  • Non-contact hours: hours a student is expected to study independently of their class contact hours, typically for each contact hour a student is expected to do 3 non-contact hours of personal study.
  • Non-degree subject:a single focused topic taught on a fee basis which is not included in the schedule of subjects for the MEd degree.
  • Outputs:specific statements of learning that describe what a student will learn and are used to inform the content and the assessment for a specific subject.
  • Pre-requisites: a subject that must be PASSED for a sequential subject to be enrolled in.
  • Subject: a single, focused topic offered to students enrolled in the MEd degree.

Contact Info

Physical Office

RUPP Campus I, Building A, Room 210B, Russian Blvd.
Tel: 089-530-145
Dr. Sok Soth
Dean, Faculty of Education
Dr. Ke Sambo
PhD and MEd Program Coordinator
Tel+855 10 92 13 77
Mr. Heng Nareth
Program Assistant
Tel(855) 012-878-197
Miss. Leang Lengngich
Program Assistant
Tel(+855) 70 358 482

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