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Course Structure

This program comprises coursework and a twelve-credit thesis (Plan A) or a six-credit research report (Plan B). All courses are divided into major (compulsory) and elective courses. Thesis-option students are required to take 14 three-credit courses while Research- Report-option students have to take 16 three-credit courses. Students enrolled in the Master of Science in Physics Program will be taking 10 common courses in the first 2 semesters. Starting from Semester 3, they will be divided into two different groups based on their academic performance within the first 2 semesters: outstanding students can choose to do a thesis for the completion of their Master of Science in Physics if they are willing to, and the rests of the students will be directly put into Plan B. In Semester 3, students are required to take more coursework to fulfill all the coursework requirements. In addition, they are advised to enroll and to start writing a proposal for a thesis or a research report in Semester 3 while at the end of Semester 4, the defense of a thesis or a research report of each student is to be organized.

Course Content

Students are required to take major (compulsory) and elective courses and write a research report or a thesis of totally 54 credits. The courses are not necessarily in the sequence given. Some courses could be delivered in intensive blocks. The research report requires students to do some research works independently under minor guidance of a mentor or a supervisor on an advanced topic of interest in Physics and write it in a coherent way while a thesis is to be written by students based on their original research in any field of Physics. Below are course categories and number of credits of Plan A and Plan B:

Plan A
  • Major Course
  • Elective Course
  • Thesis
  • 21 Credits
  • 12 Credits
  • 12 Credits
Total Credit 54 Credits
Plan B
  • Major Course
  • Elective Course
  • Research Report
  • 21 Credits
  • 27 Credits
  • 6 Credits
Total Credit 54 Credits

Contact Info

Program Coordinator:

Dr. Chey Chan Oeurn
Office Number: (+855) 23 88 27 16
Phone: (+855) 89 95 48 48


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