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The library of Department of Thai contains an extensive collection of reading, listening and video kits for language and vocabulary skills development. The library also holds a significant collection relating to general education subjects taken in the Foundation Year. IFL students can borrow most materials from the library for up to two weeks. Students should make regular use of this resource to review the topics covered in lectures as well as to remedy any deficiencies in their use of Thai. Students should also read Thai-language magazines, newspapers and novels to further their language skills.

Computer Laboratory:

Students can access Internet from Thai Computer Laboratory, on 3rd floor of the IFL Main Building.

Language Laboratory:

Students and lecturers have access to a wide range of resources in our Language Laboratory, which is funded by TICA. These include video shows, slide and PowerPoint presentations, and listening-interpretation resources.

Contact Info

Head of Department:

Mr. Hem Samphos
Tel: (855) 23-885-419
Office: IFL Campus, Royal University of Phnom Penh

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