
Dr. Khun Kimleang
Head of Department
Ph.D. in Physics and electronics from Linkoping University, Sweden, 2015. His research interests focus on electronics, magnetic and photonic metal oxide semiconductor nanomaterials, and nanomaterial for energy. The study includes novel wide bandgap semiconductor nanostructures. The applications of these nanomaterial are in biosensors, chemicals sensors, optical sensors, and energy harvesting, including solar cell technology and nanogenerators, thermal electrics generator and water treatment. After he got bachelor degree in Physics from RUPP 2004, he was trained as the high school teacher in National Institute of Education (NIE), 2005. He became a high school teacher in Physics-Math subject at Trung Trang High school from 2005-2015. He was trained as a higher education experiment in Chiba University, Japan 2007-2008. In 2015, he received his Ph.D. degree in Science for Physics and Electronics from Linkoping University in research entitled “Synthesizing Metal Oxide Materials and Their Composite Nanostructures for Sensing and Optoelectronics Device Applications”. Currently, He has been a head of the Subcommittee for Curriculum Reform in Physics subject since 2015.
Mr. Ney Sina (1987) Physics (RUPP), 1987.; Certificate Atomic Spectrum Research(Fance), 1995.; laboratory Research, (RUPP),1999.
Mr. TayVuthea (1989)
Deputy Head of Department
B.Sc. in Physics (RUPP), 1991; M.Sc. in Physics (RUPP),2011; Certificate English Teacher Course, ( CDRI, Phnom Penh), 1995; Certificate Intensive English Language Program( Ateneo de Manila University Philippines),1995; Certificate Teacher Upgrading Program(Ateneo de Manila University Philippines), 1995; Certificate Development and Application of Multimedia Telecommunication Technologies ( SEAMEO Innotech University, Philippines),1997; Certificate Science Laboratory Management (RUPP), 1999; Certificate Web-Based Courseware Development and SEA EduNet(RUPP), 2009; Best Practices in STEM (MOEYS, Cambodia), 2013.
Mr. Teang Pang (1988)
Faculty Member
B.Sc. in Physics (RUPP), 1988.
Mr. Hen Koy (1989)
Faculty Member
B.Sc. in Physics (Vietnam), 1987.
Mr. Pring Sokhan (1994)
Faculty Member
M.Sc. in Physics (Dag. Uni., Russia),1993; Certificate Physics and Environmental Science(Ateneo de Manila University ,Philipines), 1996; Certificate in Statistics for Science(RUPP), 1998.
Mr. Hang Sim (1998)
Faculty Member
B.Sc. in Physics (RUPP),1997.; M.Eng.Electrical and Information Engineering, (King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, Thailand), 2007 ; Certificate of education (NIE), 1998 .
Dr. Chey Chan Oeurn (2015)
Faculty Member
Chey Chan Oeurn (PhD) graduated from Department of Science and Technology (ITN), Institute of Technology, Linköping University, Sweden in January 2015. He was the founder of the Laboratory of Applied Nanomaterials, the Faculty of Science of the Royal University of Phnom. He has written research papers and research reports on several aspects in the fields of sensors and applied nanomaterials for sustainable development in environment, health, safety, energy, water, climate and food. He also works on STEM education issues in Cambodia. Currently, he works as programme coordinator for the Master of Science in Physics Program and lecturer at RUPP and as a trainer and team leader of Cambodian team for participating the Asian Physics Olympiad (APhO) and International Physics Olympiad (IPhO) competitions. He also supervises many Cambodian Young Scientist candidates who compete in the Regional Congress on the Search for SEAMEO Young Scientists (SSYS).
Mr. Sriv Tharith (2007)
Faculty Member
B.Sc. in Physics (RUPP),2001.;M. Eng.Electrical and Information Engineering, (King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, Thailand), 2007.
Mr. Ho Sokbany (2007)
Faculty Member
B.Sc. in Physics (RUPP), 2002; M.Sc.Oceanography, University aix-Marseille 2 (France), 2007.; Physics (RUPP), 2011. Certificate of education (NIE), 2003.
Dr. Sou Kalyan (2012)
Faculty Member
B.Sc. in Physics (RUPP), 2004;M.E. in Science (Japan), 2008; Ph.D. in Physics (Japan), 2011.
Mr. Yan Rem (2012)
Faculty Member
B.Sc. in Physics (RUPP), 2005; Certificate of Education (NIE), 2006; M.Sc. in Physics(RUPP), 2011.
Mr. IngHeng (1981)
Retired lecturer still available comes to teach
B. Sc. In Physics (RUPP), 1980.;Grad. Electricity (Vietnam), 1982.;Grad. Electronics (Australia), 1995.
Mr. Long Khy (1979)
Retired lecturer still available comes to teach
B. Sc. In Physics (RUPP), 1980.;Grad. Electricity (Vietnam), 1982.;Grad. Electronics (Australia), 1995.
Mr. Him Nimol (1984)
Retired lecturer still available comes to teach
B.Sc. in Physcis (RUPP), 1984.
Mr. Kim Chhour (1987)
Retired lecturer still available comes to teach
B.Sc. in Physcis (RUPP), 1987.
Ms. Yim Sam Ath (1988)
Retired lecturer still available comes to teach
B.Sc. in Physcis (RUPP), 1988.;M.Sc. in Physics (RUPP), 2011.
Contact Info

Head of Department:
- Dr. Khun Kimleang
- Tel: (+855) 77 48 58 78
- Email: khun.kimleang(at)
- Office Room: 403, 4th Floor, Campus I, RUPP
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