
The study of sociology, linking theoretical study and research to real situations, helps to prepare students with necessary knowledge, skill and attitude to work towards their social issues and social development. Theoretical study and sociological research assist the government and other social organizations in addressing and improving all aspects of social development in Cambodia. The Department of Sociology (DOS) at the Faculty of Social Science and Humanities of the Royal University of Phnom Penh conducted research on the community development, which has already contributed to the generation of action plans that clarify the role of the Royal Government of the Kingdom of Cambodia and NGOs in fostering speedy community development and creating long-lasting relationships.
DOS’s Bachelor of Arts in Sociology is Cambodia's first bachelor degree course offering specialized training in sociology major. The four-year course is designed to train students for various professions within the field of sociology. Students are taught a broad range of sociology-related academic disciplines to gain solid understanding of a variety of perspectives on the society. Graduates of the DOS have the necessary resources to work in research and social development sectors of both government and non-government organizations, as well as within private sectors.
The course prepares students to be the standard carriers of the social science profession. DOS aims to assist in the development of high-quality independent research and project management. During their degree, students will learn various skills that will help them to become productive, creative and ethical practitioners, who can foster a free, viable and socially responsible social research in Cambodia. They learn to identify, understand and explain various aspects of society such as economic, politic, family, education, public health, religion, criminal justice system, gender, minority ethnic groups, social and natural environment, labor and migration and related-issues.
Contact Info

Head of Department:
- Mr. Thy Naroeun, MA
- Mobile phone:(855) 12-926-127
- Telegram: (855) 12-926-127
- Office: #110, Campus II

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