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DOS’ Staffs

(The number in brackets indicates the year the staff member began teaching at RUPP)

Mr. Thy Naroeun (1996)

B.A. (Philosophy), RUPP, 1994; Diplome de Professorate de L’Enseingment Secondaire du Second Cycle, Faculty of Pedagogy (Phnom Penh), 1996; Postgraduate Diploma in Sociology, RUPP, 2001; Postgraduate Diploma in Rural Development and Tourism, Torento University (Italy), 2002; Diploma in Social Work Methods, Planning, Program Development and Evaluation, National University of Singapore (Singapore), 2002; M.A. (Sociology and Anthropology), RUPP, 2006.

Mr. Mel Sophanna (1997)

B.A. (History), RUPP, 1996; Diplome de Professorate de L’Enseingment Secondaire du Second Cycle, Faculty of Pedagogy (Phnom Penh), 1997; M.A. (Sociology), Ateneo de Manila University, (Philippines), 2004.

Ms. Long Chandavy (1999)

B.A. (Sociology), RUPP, 1998; Dip.Ed., Faculty of Pedagogy (Phnom Penh), 1999; M.A. (Sociology and Anthropology), RUPP, 2006.

Miss. Te Sothy (1988)

B.A. (Philosophy) RUPP, 1990; Postgraduate Diploma in Sociology, RUPP, 2001; M.A. (Sociology and Anthropology), RUPP, 2006.

Mr. Souk Narin (1994)

B.A. (Sociology), Kazan University (Russia), 1991; M.A. (Social Development), Kazan University (Russia), 1993.

Mr. Kim Sovankiry (1992)

B.A. (Philosophy), RUPP, 1993; B.A. (Social & Political Science), Alma-Ata Political Institute (USSR), 1991; Postgraduate Diploma (Sociology), RUPP, 2001; M.A. (Sociology and Anthropology), RUPP, 2006.

Ms. Puch Sina (1998)

B.A. (Geography), RUPP, 1998; Diploma of Psycho-Pedagogy in Geography, Faculty of Pedagogy (Phnom Penh), 1998; M.A. (Sociology and Anthropology), RUPP, 2006.

Mr. Chen Sochhoeun (2011)

B.A. (Sociology), RUPP, 2001; Certificate, Pedagogical Teaching, and English, 2002 National Institute of Education (NIE), Phnom Penh; M.A. (Sociology and Anthropology), RUPP, 2006.

Mr. Uy Sareth (2010)

B.A. (Sociology), RUPP, 2002; Certificate, Pedagogical Teaching, and English, 2003 National Institute of Education (NIE), Phnom Penh; M.A. (Sociology and Anthropology), RUPP, 2007.

Ms. Hourn Kalyan (2010)

Bachelor of Business Administration in the field of Accountant, National University of Cambodia, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Master of Sociology-Anthropology in the field of Development Studies, Royal University of Phnom Penh, Phnom Penh Cambodia.

Miss. Sophorn Povchanita (2013)

Bachelor Degree of Law, Royal University of Law and Economics (RULE) – Phnom Penh, Cambodia Bachelor Degree of Education – English, Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP) – Phnom Penh, Cambodia Master Degree of Law, Transnational Law and Business University (TLBU) - Seoul, South Korea

Contact Info

Head of Department:

Mr. Thy Naroeun, MA
Mobile phone:(855) 12-926-127
Telegram: (855) 12-926-127
Office: #110, Campus II


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