
The DoT was established in 2001 following the success of the one-off Masters Program in Tourism Management, which was developed in partnership with the University of Technology, Sydney and the University of Bologna, Italy. The DoT offers a Bachelor of Arts in Tourism Management which is an integrated, interdisciplinary degree committed to high standards and quality in tourism teaching and research. Students graduate with a polished understanding of business management, environmental planning, economics, psychology, cultural studies, geography, marketing and management, as well as specific tourism sectors, such as airlines and transportation, tour operations hospitality and attractions management.
Since that time, graduates of the sociology program have also gone on to join the departmental staff. Over the past few years, faculty staff have been involved in research and training in conjunction with New Humanity, Italy and the Heinrich-Boll Foundation as well as other universities and NGOs, including World Vision, National University of Shishu and the Japan Institute of Labor.
Contact Info

Head of Department:
- Mrs. Khun Chanmony
- Email:
- Tel: (855) 12 477 704
- Office:Campus I, Room 108, RUPP

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