Program Learning Outcomes
graduates will:
A. Knowledge
A1. Demonstrate core understanding of employing mathematics, statistic, data management, economic principles, and economic concepts to interpret and analyze economics phenomenon and problems from individual to domestic, state, and international levels;
A2. Possess knowledge of latest developments in the thematic clusters of international trade, investment, and business, monetary economics, economic development, and digital economy;
B. Cognitive Skills
B1. Evaluate the perspective, quality, and accuracy of information resources with reference to international trade, investment, and business, monetary economics, economic development, and digital economy;
B2. Use a deep knowledge of data analysis, economic and public policies, different effects of the business, government, organizations, and their actions on the market system (interaction/procedure) to develop informed actions to address significant global/local problems;
C. Interpersonal skills and responsibility
C1. Execute tasks in an academic setting which require interpersonal skills, leadership skills, and independent learning skills useful for employment;
C2. Demonstrate an understanding of philosophical and social contexts and respect for ethics and ethical standards of the discipline when creating tools to address social, political, economic, and environmental challenges;
C3. Develop a sense of promoting growth and development for individual and society in the whole world regardless of nationality and cultural diversity;
D. Communication, Information Technology, and Numerical Skills
D1. Demonstrate an ability to effectively communicate information and ideas in English in both local and international contexts;
D2. Develop an aptitude to communicate economic results and solutions in easy-to-understand manners to non-economists.
D3. Utilize the most appropriate information technology, statistical and mathematical techniques, and tools in gathering, analyzing, interpreting, and presenting the information.
Contact Info

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