Department of International Economics (D.I.Eco) offers Bachelor of Science in Economics (BSc-Eco) with 4 concentrations: (1) International Economics, (2) Digital Economy, (3) Managerial Economics and (4) Actuarial Economics, along with Master of Science in International Political Economy (MSc-IPE).
The Department of International Studies aims to:
- Expand students' knowledge of global civilization, economic and social development, and key issues in today's society and world.
- Expand students' knowledge, starting from foundation knowledge in the basic year and refining students' skills to the majors in international economics, international finance and risk management in the following academic year of the curriculum
- Develop students' basic knowledge of social sciences in the foundation school year through a multidisciplinary approach so that students have a broad perspective on understanding all aspects of social reality and being able to creatively adapt to global developments.
- Provides various basic social studies subjects through fundamental knowledge related to mathematics, computer software, internet and information technology, report writing, history, anthropology, philosophy, world economy, international relations, development and other necessary subjects.
- Provide students with foreign language skills, especially English and other essential languages, as a vehicle to help students understand the context and global developments and local issues.
- Refine and supplement students' ability to use basic economic techniques to analyze socio-economic issues, national and international policies
- Maintain a variety of skills, both soft and hard, for students, including: teamwork, accountability, presentation, social ethics, and other essential skills, especially those identified in the multidisciplinary principles of the 21st century and the future
- Refine students' ability to analyze and study independently
- Develop students' ability to apply theoretical knowledge in the classroom to use in real social situations and
- Produce human resources who can fulfill the appropriate and responsible roles as good citizens of Cambodia and the world.
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Foreign students who are interested in studying in Cambodia should first approach their national government. read more...