RUPP-QAO has the following 5-goal.
- Goal 1:
To improve and enforce QA monitoring system regarding continuous quality improvement and general ideas for the quality management system.
- Goal 2:
To manage a Quality Assurance System that can exceed the National Standards of Higher Education.
- Goal 3:
To assist the RUPP stakeholders with self-evaluation on their initiatives for self-improvement and accreditation.
- Goal 4:
To ensure the best practices of Quality Assurance with the stakeholders.
- Goal 5:
To monitor the quality of teaching and learning meet the national and regional standards and achieve academic excellence.
Contact Info
Head of QAC:
- Mr. Vong Chorvy
- Email:quality.assurance(at).rupp.edu.kh
- chorvy.vong@gmail.com
- Tel: (855) 12-229-279
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Foreign students who are interested in studying in Cambodia should first approach their national government. read more...