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RUPP-Tracer Study2022(22_02_2023) PDF Download
Tracer Studies on RUPP Students’ Employability PDF Download
Tracer Study 2010 PDF Download
Tracer Study 2011 PDF Download
Strategic Plan 2009-2013 PDF Download
Tracer Study 2012-2014 Khmer PDF Download
Tracer Study 2012-2014 English PDF Download
The Findings of Tracer Study2020-STEM PDF Download
The Findings of Tracer Study2021with Stamp PDF Download
Editorial: The use of a tracer study to advance the undergraduate program at the Royal University of Phnom Penh PDF Download
Cambodia Journal of Basic and Applied Research (CJBAR) Vol 3 issue 2 PDF Download
RUPP-Tracer Study2022 Brochure 2023 PDF Download
RUPP-Tracer Study 2023 PDF Download

Contact Info

Head of QAC:

Mr. Vong Chorvy
Tel: (855) 12-229-279

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Foreign students who are interested in studying in Cambodia should first approach their national government. read more...