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SICA Project News

1 Kick-off Meeting ‘Strengthening Quality Assurance in Cambodian Higher Education-SICA’ RUPP, 07-08 June, 2018

Day 1
  1. RUPP Vice-Rector delivered his welcoming address on the introduction of project in which he highlighted the purposes and importance of doing the SICA project.
  2. Mr Kean Tak gave his presentation on the overview of SICA Project
  3. Each partner (Royal University of Phnom Penh, Svay Rieng University, Chea Sim University of Kamchaymear, Mean Chey University, University of Battambang; University of Heng Samrin Thbong khmum; Mykolas Romeris University; The Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu) university presented on their introduction and experience in Quality Assurance Management at their institutions
  4. Mr Nizar, Agora Institute, explained the details of SICA Work-packages

Day 2
  1. The Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu presented national quality assurance system in Lithuania Higher education;
  2. Mykolas Romeris University presented their national quality assurance system in Romania;
  3. Mr. Nizar presented the administrative and financial management of SICA project;
  4. RUPP and all universities decided on their the management structure of the project
2 Setting up Quality Assurance Center

After the kick-off meeting, Quality Assurance Center of Royal University of Phnom Penh has been established on 10 July 2018, co-funded by Erasmus+ Programme via SICA “Strengthening Quality Assurance in Cambodian Higher Education” Project.


3 Program Quality Management Consultative Workshop, RUPP, 11-15 February, 2019

Participants: QA Technicians, Deans, Vice-Deans, Heads, and Deputy Heads of Departments.

  1. Introduction to Project SICA
  2. Reviews of PLOs
  3. Process of Writing Programs’ SARs
  4. Understand RUPP Program Assessment Tools (11 Criteria)
  5. Forming Program SAR Writing Team
After the Benchmarking meeting from our partners in Europe; the Uppsala University and the Mykolas Romeris University, we present the experiences from our partners and also RUPP’s procedure. As also as required by Ministry of Education Youth and Sports to review and improve the quality of the programs in order to match with the requirements of the job markets, this workshop was done to maintain and improve quality of the programs at RUPP. All departments are required to review their PLOs so that their PLOs are aligned with Cambodia National Qualification Framework (CNQF) and current market needs.

Moreover, to prepare RUPP for the institutional accreditation, each program at RUPP needs to write program self-assessment report (SAR). Writing programs’ SARs requires a Program Assessment Tools. Luckily, RUPP has its own tools in which we adapted and based on the Guidelines for Program Assessment by AUN-QA since we have been one of AUN members since 2002. Accordingly, training our department representatives to understand the tools is rather important since through understanding the tools and writing programs’ SARs are kind of effective way that the departments can enhance the quality of their programs.

The discussion continued to seek the solutions to the problems that it is not easy to write the programs’ SARs. As such, we have come up the solution that forming a SAR writing team which should engage all important stakeholders such as heads and deputy heads of departments, lecturers, and IQA representatives is the only way to ease the writing process.

To sum up, this QA sharing workshop has resulted that forming the technical teams to deal with RUPP’s QA practice that are reviewing program learning outcomes and writing programs’ SARs. Hopefully, we will be able to figure out more solutions to cope with our recent difficulties.

Contact Info

Head of QAC:

Mr. Vong Chorvy
Tel: (855) 12-229-279

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