Home » Research Center and Institute » Quality Assurance Center » responsibilities


RUPP QAU has responsibilities including organizing and coordinating the following quality management tasks:
  • Preparing operational assessment schedules and reports to ensure maximal efficiency.

  • Designing and implementing evaluation or assessment systems to ensure that the findings are reliable and applicable.

  • Conducting course evaluations, tracer studies and facilitating self-assessments.

  • Collaborating with departments to strengthen and improve the quality of research, teaching and learning at RUPP.

  • Liaising with other groups, agencies, and organizations such as ACC and AUN-QA.

  • Taking care of findings and quality issues raised by students and teachers in operational assessments.

  • Monitoring and establishing procedures for office record keeping and ensuring the confidentiality and security of data.

  • Advising and consulting with the each department on matters related to quality assurance.

  • Analyzing, monitoring internal processes of assessments and evaluations.

  • Monitoring and maintaining office supplies inventory.

  • Reporting the SWOT analysis to the Academic Board and Rector.

Contact Info

Head of QAC:

Mr. Vong Chorvy
Tel: (855) 12-229-279

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