RUPP QAU has responsibilities including organizing and coordinating the following quality management tasks:Preparing operational assessment schedules and reports to ensure maximal efficiency.
Designing and implementing evaluation or assessment systems to ensure that the findings are reliable and applicable.
Conducting course evaluations, tracer studies and facilitating self-assessments.
Collaborating with departments to strengthen and improve the quality of research, teaching and learning at RUPP.
Liaising with other groups, agencies, and organizations such as ACC and AUN-QA.
Taking care of findings and quality issues raised by students and teachers in operational assessments.
Monitoring and establishing procedures for office record keeping and ensuring the confidentiality and security of data.
Advising and consulting with the each department on matters related to quality assurance.
Analyzing, monitoring internal processes of assessments and evaluations.
Monitoring and maintaining office supplies inventory.
Reporting the SWOT analysis to the Academic Board and Rector.
Contact Info
Head of QAC:
- Mr. Vong Chorvy
- Email:quality.assurance(at)
- Tel: (855) 12-229-279
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Foreign students who are interested in studying in Cambodia should first approach their national government. read more...